By Shanieka Smith
Staff Writer
#TurksandCaicos, October 6, 2022 – In his presentation to Parliament, the Deputy Premier and Finance Minister announced a budget deficit which includes FortisTCI and the Royal TCI Police equally sharing $5 million aimed at paying consumers’ electricity bills and beating back deadly crime.
Deputy Premier and Finance Minister of the Turks and Caicos Islands Hon. E. Jay Saunders addressed the Second Supplementary Estimates Expenditure for the financial year 2022-2023 in his speech at the House of Assembly on Monday afternoon. Sanders presented these estimates per standing orders 32, sections 118 and 51 from the TCI constitution.
“Globally, 2022 has been challenging for everyone,” the Deputy Premier said as he started his speech.
He proceeded to discuss proposals from the second supplementary appropriations bill.
Saunders said the estimates propose a revision of the revenue upward by $1.45 million bringing it to a total of $404.2 million. Expenditure will also be increased by $18.4 million.
The governor explained that funding for these revisions will be taken from the country’s cash reserve, which will result in a budget deficit. Although deficit budgets for this financial year are being proposed, “we do plan to return to surplus budgets in the medium term if not before,” Sanders continued and reassured the citizens that this will not become a trend.
Saunders stated that sustainability ratios are still being met even in deficit, and the islands’ liquid cash reserve is currently at $240 million. This equates to 212 days, which suggests that the Turks and Caicos islands would survive for 212 days if no money was coming in.
“My goal as minister of finance is to extend that to 365 days,” said the Deputy Premier.
He said he believes that these proposed supplementary estimates will not only continue to address inflation in the islands but also provide some relief for the most vulnerable citizens. He mentioned that the surge in crime – addressed earlier by the Premier – is a major issue and the estimates will allow the government to respond “aggressively”.
Rebuilding better after hurricane Fiona is also a priority for the government as too much is being spent on repairs rather than building sustainably. The Deputy Premier said this would be addressed in his next budget speech and throughout the rest of the year.
The Deputy Premier continued by addressing a few of the initiatives to that government funds would be allocated. A sum of $2.5 million will subsidise a portion of FortisTCI bills for the billing period from September to December. Saunders explained that this would assist residential customers while the government aims to find long-term measures to cut electricity costs.
Another 2.5 million will be used to combat the crime surge by way of raising police subsidies, purchasing equipment and increasing staff. Saunders said one outcome is sure from this “it is our victory, not theirs” referring to criminals on the islands.
Other initiatives included a stimulus for residents, hurricane relief, tourism, professional development, and foster care and social welfare benefits.
Jay Saunders closed his speech by encouraging the citizens from Joshua 1:9, “I would like to encourage the good people of the Turks and Caicos islands… despite the trying times that our country is going through, to be strong, to not be frightened or dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”