Providenciales, After making startling comments in the House of Assembly:
“If you wanna be a part of us, we cannot encourage, we can’t support them with all these days if we’re gonna be Singapore. If you’re gonna be in this country, be in this country contribute and be a part of this country – if you want to be in Haiti and Jamaica and Bahamas –stay there.” – From HOA Audio May 12, 2015.
And saying the comments were ‘truth’ and that he did not mind who they offended.
“Personally as I say I’m a politician, but at my age, I don’t give a flying pheasant (laughter) about what people think, I am here to do a job, and I gon do that.” – From HOA Audio May 12, 2015.
And re-stating the position with TV media on National Heroes Day; the Finance Minister is not apologizing or retracting his controversial comments made in the House of Assembly on May 12th but is saying his reputation proves they are not a true reflection of him or his PNP party.
“My statements were made during a passionate debate in which I expressed my personal view. It is unfortunate that this stand taken for Turks and Caicos Islanders, in the Turks and Caicos Islands, was taken out of context. I have been painted in a light that is 100 degrees removed from all that I am and all that I have stood for and defended over the entirety of my professional life, my political life and my adult life generally. I can only call these tactics malicious and rife with intent to cause discord among the people living within our shores. ”
Magnetic Media published the Minister’s explanation in full last evening moments after we received the statement; but some have replied to us that the gesture is laughable; especially as it made regional and internet headlines evoking hurtful, and some may say deserving comments aimed not only at the Minister who made the comments, but at the Turks and Caicos Islands in general. While the Minister alone seems to bear the brunt of the reaction to his statements denouncing foreign culture celebrations on TCI soil; audio from the House of Assembly clearly reveals that other honorable members share Minister Misick’s view on the various flag days held in the country.
“If you want to be somewhere else, then American Airlines flies how many times a day? (audible chatter & laughter, comment: ‘InterCaribbean!’)…” – Audio From HOA May 12, 2015
Called out were Haitians, Jamaicans and Bahamians… and in that explanation issued last night, the Minister said this: “I refute any notion that I am a Xenophobe and, notwithstanding my utterances, wish to be judged by my record rather than by an impromptu bombast. I say without fear of contradiction that the Progressive National Party in and out of Government is among the most inclusive and tolerant and liberal in the region. ”
This comes as Benneth Williams’ TC Weekly News political cartoon illustrates the Minister, in the House of Assembly, making his now infamous remarks purportedly in defense of TCI Culture as his PNP side votes – in large part – to do away with the Cultural Commission as a statutory body. Again, you can read the Minister’s comments in full at