#KINGSTON – February 13, 2020 – (JIS): The Government will be spending $1.9 billion to establish the Goat Islands wildlife sanctuary, just off Jamaica’s south coast....
KINGSTON, Feb. 7 (JIS): The increased presence of the security forces in the Eastern Kingston Police Division under the State of Public Emergency (SOE) has put...
#KINGSTON, Feb. 4 (JIS): Twenty-seven school leaders have been certified after completing the National College for Educational Leadership (NCEL) online Child-Friendly Schools (CFS) course. The programme...
#KINGSTON, February 3, 2020 — The Global Services Association of Jamaica (GSAJ) is urging young people to equip themselves with the necessary skills and knowledge for...
#KINGSTON, February 4, 2020 — Parliamentary Secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister, Senator Robert Morgan, says the Government is being strategic and deliberate in...
Kingston, Jamaica, January 30, 2017 – Economic Growth Council (EGC) member, Adam Stewart, says Jamaica stands to benefit from over US$3 billion in investment projects up to...