Deandrea Hamilton
Turks and Caicos, January 26, 2025 – Opening his January 18 rally in ED6, Audric Skippings, the PDM’s candidate for the Bight constituency issued an unflinching command: “Stop rewarding failure!”
It yielded him what he clearly wanted; the clanging sound of a chorus of bells ringing in support of the charge and beckoning for more in a message to turn the area from yellow to blue.
“In a constituency that is considered the money centre and the breadbasket, yet ED6 has been neglected time and time again. It is time for that to change,” said Skippings.
“It is time for TCIs. We can no longer stand by while our communities are ignored. It is time to rise to demand the attention that we deserve and to take charge of our future. Together we will put our community first, a future where no one is left behind.”
For the Bight specifically, Skippings displayed on the digital screen, which stood as a backdrop that he has an urgent checklist for all of the areas which make up the district. That list pointed to completion of sidewalks, newly paved roads and street lights for Juba Sound, eco-friendly solutions to the flooding in the Bight, added security for the Bight with the installation of CCTV, a new craft market for local vendors, playgrounds for both the Bight and Juba Sound and additional hurricane shelters.
“We will focus on the essentials. Improving education for our children. We will ensure that every sub-community in ED6 has a functioning community center and community parks that will support after school programmes to help working parents and single parents.”
In his list, provision of vocational training programmes to deepen the country’s skills bank.
“…creating new opportunities for job growth and developing our local resources to ensure that everyone in this community has a fair shot at success.”
He also wants to bring affordable housing to the area.
“Together we will create an ED6 that works for everyone, where every voice is respected and every opportunity is available.”
In his presentation, there was attention paid to what he labelled as “the failures” of the incumbent from the PNP.
“Your current MP stood up in the House of Assembly, proud, with his chest high, he promised a community center. That was cancelled and up to now, he hasn’t come to the public and said why it was cancelled. So when he comes knocking to your door, ask him ‘what happened to the community center?’.”
To the encouraging sound of scores of PDM supporters ringing their bells, Skippings added, “He attempted to construct a sidewalk, that was unsuccessful. He promised to pave that road right over there by the Seascape Hotel, that road is still white. Then came along Red Hospitality. The man owns a watersports company, he didn’t try to represent himself, what makes you think he will represent you?”
The list of shortcomings also included his inaction to end the flooding at Tower Drive; Skippings said if elected, a solution to the flooding will be his first order of business; adding that the current MP ignored the problem for years.
“A vote for Audric Skippings you will get proper paved roads, proper drainage systems, proper sidewalks complemented by nice landscaping, street lights, CCTV…”
Audric Skippings called on the 1,043 voters of the district to send him to the House of Assembly to represent ED6.
The livestream on the PDM’s Facebook page attracted over 12,000 viewers.