#TurksandCaicos, November 14, 2022 – Godfrey Smith is now officially the CEO of the Turks and Caicos Airports Authority after a 10-month stint in the role as acting chief executive officer; it’s one of the decisions from a November 2nd Cabinet Meeting. Smith is confirmed for a 3-year contract at the TCIAA.
Duty exemptions are extended to Provo Water Company for the importation of a water storage tank and pumping equipment and to Como Parrot Cay for the machinery to be used for recycling waste products.
Cabinet has also approved a wage system for prisoners carrying out voluntary work under a new program to be called “The Progressive Regime and Earned Privileges Scheme.”
And the moratorium on the issuance of business licenses for construction companies in the contractor’s category with non-Turks & Caicos Islander involvement wil continue for six (6) more months but at least one unnamed company has been granted an exemption from this.
Here are more highlights as reported by the TCI Cabinet:
At this meeting Cabinet:
Approved the merger of the NIB and the NHIP Collections and Compliance Functions.
Was briefed on a Turks and Caicos Islands Government led initiative with the US Government’s Department of Homeland Security to combat the issue of irregular migration into the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Was updated on the progress of establishing a Turks and Caicos Islands Border Force, and endorsed a number of structures, leadership frameworks, and other measures bringing together the work of the Customs and Immigration departments under a unified Border Force.
Was briefed on the 1st Quarter Financial Report 2022-23 of the Turks and Caicos Islands Government and approved for the same to be made public.
Approved for the drafting of a Bill to allow for the payment of housing allowances to former ministers for the period 1 September 2019 to 31 December 2020, subject to a reconciliation of subsistence and accommodation payments during the said period for the impacted persons.
Approved an amendment to Turks and Caicos Islands Citizen Homeowner Policy.
Approved a business license in a restricted business activity for Phoenix Fisheries & Seafood.
Approved for the Turks and Caicos Islands Government to enter into negotiations with Ani T&C Ltd. for a Development Agreement for the development of a private resort on North Caicos.
Approved for the Turks and Caicos Islands Government to enter into a lease agreement for an office accommodation on Providenciales.
Approved a wage system for prisoners carrying out voluntary work under a new program to be called “The Progressive Regime and Earned Privileges Scheme”.
Approved the appointments of Doreen Quelch-Missick, Latisha Williams, Alleveia Butterfield, Kerchelle Bain, Dr Alicia Malcolm, Dr Anya Malcolm-Gibbs, Alces Dor and Selvon Bruce-Whatley to the Adoption Review Panel.
Members to serve for a period of one (1) year with effect from 7 November 2022.
Was briefed on the work being performed on energy, energy efficiency, and emission reduction policies, which will shape future legislative and regulatory frameworks.
Approved an exemption on import duties for Provo Water Company for the importation of a water storage tank and pumping equipment.
Approved an exemption on import duties for Como Parrot Cay for the importation of machinery to be used for recycling waste products.
Approved the appointment of Godfrey Smith as CEO of the Turks and Caicos Islands Airports Authority for three (3) years.
Approved a lease agreement for the temporary relocation of Customs and Immigrations Departments on North Caicos following damages to their offices by Hurricane Fiona in September 2022.
Approved the appointment of Zaneta Burton (Government Representative), Floyd Seymour (Employer Representative), and Danita Clare (Insured Person Representative) to the National Insurance Board for a period of three (3) years with effect from 7 November 2022.
Approved the appointment of Doreen Quelch-Missick (2 years) and Wendall Swann (1 year) to the Labour Tribunal with effect from 1 January 2023.
Approved a six (6) month extension to the moratorium on the issuance of business licenses for construction companies in the contractor’s category with non-Turks & Caicos Islander involvement. The extension will take effect from the 21st of October 2022.
Approved, for a named company, a waiver with certain conditions, to the moratorium on the issuance of business licenses for construction companies in the contractor’s category with non-Turks and Caicos Islander involvement.
Approved a Christmas Salary Advance of one month’s basic salary (excluding allowances) to all Public Officers and pensioners, and terms for re-payment.
Discussed the deteriorating situation in Haiti. The Governor is in close contact with the US and UK Governments on scenario planning and mitigation.