In his address to the nation Premier Misick told the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands that, “On the Issue of the Destination Management Organization and Tourism Authority, anybody who read the Progressive National Party Contract with the people, would be aware that this was “a key pillar of that Contract.” From this the Hon. Premier is implying that his New Administration told the people that once in power they would be closing down the Tourist Board, and will be replacing it with a Destination Marketing & Management Organization (DMMO) and a Tourism Authority. Oh, how we know how contracts can hide the important and controversial details. We just have to look at the Contract with InterHealth Canada and the Exclusivity given to Carnival.
I am of the belief that many of the voters, and others, assumed that the words pertaining to the DMMO in the PNP’s Citizen’s Contract meant that there would be a restructuring and a rebranding of the existing Tourist Board, giving them huge upgrades, greater budgetary support, and increased qualified manpower who have the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities to carry out their new mandate.
Consequently, instead of improving and upgrading, the Hon. Premier and his Cabinet are planning to close down the Tourist Board, including the offices in our key source markets. This move will no doubt also negatively affect existing staff, as there is no guarantee that they will be offered placement in the two new Bodies.
In an attempt to justify this closure, he stated that, “We must ensure sustainable growth that reflects our luxury branding, and one that allow us to really fine tune our offerings as a destination.” He went on to state that, “the figures showing an increase in arrivals for 2021, and record numbers, when compared to the third quarter arrivals in 2019, and it would only get better based on the projections that we are seeing. We must position the country to ensure that we sustain and that we manage this upward trend in arrivals into 2022 and beyond.”
This statement made by the Hon. Premier confirms that, notwithstanding its current structure and limited resources, the Tourist Bard has been performing their duties, and performing well. The country has been seeing the fruits of their labour. Therefore, I do believe that if we want to demand greater output from the Tourist Board with a greater mandate, simply give them greater resources, provide further training, introduce new jobs with the needed descriptions, with the suitable pay level, which would allow for more of our best and brightest to be attracted to work in the industry.
The Hon. Premier went on to say that, “the Turks and Caicos Islands Tourist Board has done a great job given its current mandate, that mandate is limited however. And so the goal is to advance the Turks and Caicos Islands to the next level, to solidify the country as a top destination in the region, and one of the best in the world.” Why does the Hon. Premiere think that when given the optimum resources, our people cannot achieve this “taking the Turks & Caicos to the next level”?
I strongly believe that the Tourist Board can, give them a fair opportunity to succeed with the new mandate, if given the needed resources, and allow for the restructuring of the duties. Allow the Tourist Board to have the resources and manpower similar to that which would be found in a well performing DMMO, and you will see them fulfill, and possibly surpass, this mandate.
The Premier and his Cabinet should not be using Government to create a problem, and then justifying the dismantling of it, only to replace it with a system that is not ideal for our people and our country. This is a solution in search of a problem.
I do not agree with the Hon. Premier’s rationale for closing down the Tourist Board, there is no legitimate rational basis for the Government to get rid of the Tourist Board.
Has the DMMO already being selected? How was the selection made? What is the name of the selected DMMO? Who are the owners and shareholders in the DMMO? Where is this DMMO’s home base? How much will the People of the Turks and Caicos be paying them?
Hon. Premier, the People need to know!!!
I firmly believe that the Tourist Board should not be closed down, but be given the opportunity to grow and diversify. I am asking the Hon. Premier, it is ok for leaders to admit they made mistakes as long as they quickly correct them, we all make mistakes. For the good of those who work in the Tourism sector, for the good of those employed with the Tourist Board, for the good of the future of Tourism in the Turks & Caicos Islands, please reverse your decision of scrapping the Tourist Board, and rather focus on strengthening and enhancing its capabilities and functioning. Give them a chance to tackle the new mandate, and show you and your Cabinet, and the country that they did it before, and with the right resources, they can do it again!!
Premier Misick and his Cabinet are wrong for disregarding the people’s views in this decision, the Premier and the Minister responsible for Tourism should have come to the people first and should allow for further wider consultation before making the decision. Why is there such great urgency to get this done? To deny the people a fair chance to give their opinions, and to already be in a rush process to close down the Tourist Board is absolutely the wrong decision.