#TurksandCaicos, October 30, 2021 – Tourism is the engine that drives our economy. The tourism industry employs more people than any other industy, and it is the most fragile industry in the world. Therefore, governments must be able to address and adapt to many factors known and unknown.
Covid-19 has shown us how quickly employees can become insolvent in an emergency and how ill-prepared they were to face such a global health pandemic. However, the tourism industry managed to survive and bounced back better than before.
I agree that the Tourist Board in its present state and structure does not meet the needs or address future growth for a changing world, and a growing economy. However, I disagree with the government’s decision to dismantle this important organization which has helped to create what we see today. The government should look at restructuring the present organization, and placing it directly inside of the Ministry of Tourism.
1. The current director will now become the director-general of Tourism. The director-general will be responsible for the day-to-day operation of the entire Ministry of Tourism. The Director-General will be assisted with 3 deputy directors-general who will be responsible for various departments within the Ministry of Tourism.
The new departments within the Ministry of Tourism should look like the following:
1. Marketing & Public Relations
2. Research, Development & Training
3. Standards, Brand Management & Policy Management
Let me explain a little further.
The Marketing & Public Relations Deputy Director-General will be responsible for all FAM trips (Familiarization Trip) for travel agents, press releases, social media, marketing materials, Trip Advisor Reviews Concerning the destination, welcome greater at our ports of entry, marketing officers in (Canada, USA & UK/ Europe) and local host for our visiting VIP’s.
The Research Development & Training Deputy Director-General will be responsible for training of persons desiring to enter the industry both as an employee or business owner. They will be responsible for ensuring that the Turks & Caicos Islands stay at the cutting edge of new changes & technology in the industry, and seeing how best we can adapt to those changes. They will also be responsible for data information with regards for questionnaire.
The Standards, Brand Management & Policy Management Deputy Director-General will be responsible for inspection of all Resorts, Hotels, guest houses, villas, tour operators, taxi cab drivers, restaurants and Airbnb. No one will be allowed to open business within the industry without first receiving a certificate of approval from the Ministry of Tourism. They will be responsible for the yearly inspection of all tourism-related business, ensuring that they have the necessary insurance to be in business and the quality of the product provided.
They will oversee the policies which will address every area of our number one industry and create the framework which will allow for future growth in a sustainable way. Sustainable Development will be the cornerstone of this department.
As Turks & Caicos Islanders, we all have our role to play to protect our number one industry for future generations to enjoy.
This is my view.
By Jamie ‘Quincy’ Williams