#Providenciales, July 3, 2019 – Turks and Caicos – Ministry of Education
Officials explain that the Education Sector Plan 2018-2022 was crafted in
response to concerns about overcrowding at public primary schools and the
potential risk the overcrowding presented to the quality of education for young
children. ‘Provide equitable access to
quality learning opportunities’ is the charge the Ministry has given itself
with the support of the European Union (EU)
“Improving education is
top priority for both the Government and the EU. The support from the EU is aligned with the TCI
Education Sector Plan and will allow the government to build more public
classroom spaces to absorb the anticipated increase in enrolment that is
forecasted in the coming years. It will
also contribute to building disaster resilience,” said EU Ambassador, Her
Excellency Malgorzata Wasilewska.
The issue of Overcrowding
& Quality Education is being more than adequately addressed with
construction started on a fourth government-run primary school in
Providenciales. On March 28, 2019 the cornerstone was laid for Long Bay Primary
School which will add 30 new classrooms and spaces for 550 students.
As far as Overcrowding
& Quality Education is concerned there
are two targets identified within the Education Sector Plan,. The first target
focuses on improvement to access to quality education for students from ages 4
through to 16-years old while target two is focused on improving students’
access to high quality instruction through the development and implementation
of an infrastructure and equipment modernization plan in each school by
December 2018.
The pair of powerful
storms dealt a harsh blow to the education sector of the Turks and Caicos
Islands. At least four public schools were knocked out of commission and some
4,000 students were impacted by the damages which ranged from minor to severe.
The Education Sector Plan
outlines the actions to ensure spaces are established and diverse enough for
all students. It aims to increase ideal
spaces for early childhood and secondary students; to smartly rebuild spaces
lost or damaged as a result of the 2017 hurricanes; to increase capacity at current
primary schools; build new classroom blocks to accommodate technical and
vocation learning; and to upgrade laboratories for enhancements in the sciences
and also for teaching and learning in vocation and technical disciplines.
The Ministry of Education,
within the Plan has highlighted the need for monitoring the rate of enrolment
for tertiary education; the number of Infrastructure Modernization and
Maintenance Plans developed and implemented; the number of Ministry Staff
trained to appraise school construction and building and equipment maintenance;
the percentage of students completing at least one CVQ programme; the number of
Special Needs children within public schools and the number of additional
primary school spaces available in Providenciales.
“Improving the Education System in the TCI…..Together we can do it”