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Bahamas News

UB President Makes Courtesy Call on the Minister of Financial Services



#Bahamas, September 25, 2017 – Nassau –  Dr. Rodney Smith, President of the University of The Bahamas (right), called upon Brent Symonette, Minister of Financial Services, Trade & Industry and Immigration at the Ministry on Friday, September 22, 2017.

(BIS Photo/Letisha Henderson)

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Bahamas News

Contract signed for $7 million South Bimini Airport Development



NASSAU, The Bahamas — The Ministry of Public Works and Utilities and Family Island Affairs hosted a press conference and $7 million contract signing at the ministry’s head offices on Friday, May 24, 2024.  The contract signing was between the Bimini Airport Development Partners and Knowles Construction Company for the civil works component of the South Bimini International Airport development project.  Mr. Jeremy Ebie, director, Bimini Airport Development Partners, and Mr. Emile Knowles, president, Knowles Construction Company, are pictured signing the contract.   Both parties of the contract guaranteed the best work to Bimini, the Bahamas Government, and all Bahamians.  They are also pictured standing with Member of Parliament for West End and Bimini, Kingsley Smith (center), with Mr. Knowles, left, and Mr. Ebie, right.


(BIS Photos/Ulric Woodside)

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Bahamas News

BTVI launches First Cohort of Renewable Energy Installation and Maintenance Programme




Bahamas Information Services


NASSAU, The Bahamas – Some 30 students are enrolled in the first cohort of a Renewable Energy Installation and Maintenance Programme at BTVI.

The Ministry of Finance/Project Execution Unit and BTVI launched the programme Monday, May 27, 2024 at the institution’s Old Trail campus in New Providence.

Kevin Basden, BTVI Vice-President said the programme is designed to give the students, some of whom represent Family Islands, a strong background in terms of solar energy.

In addition to a safety component, the programme comprises solar installation, design and maintenance.

“Beyond the theoretical aspect they will also be trained from a practical perspective in terms of being able to install. They will get a strong foundation as relates to solar installation, design, maintenance as well as supply chain.

“We’re delighted that we have a diversified group; some persons with an electrical background, some with no background at all.

“At the end of the day they will have the opportunity to learn and be successful in this programme. We would now have greater capacity of solar installers and designers in The Bahamas,” he said.

Marco Rolle, Programme Coordinator of the Ministry of Finance’s ‘Reconstruction with Resilience in the Energy Sector in the Bahamas Programme’ (RRESBP), said “We have some 30 students out of 600 applicants who have qualified to participate in this programme — 17 men and 13 women, 7 from Family Islands and trainers from BTVI, Grand Bahama campus.

“This aspect of the training is funded by the Bahamas Government, thereby demonstrating the resolve of the Bahamas Government to prepare our citizens for this new venture.”

Dr. Linda Davis, BTVI President said BTVI is pleased and delighted to officially launch this three-course sequence of 120 hours.

“We envision as we map out our new master campus here at BTVI main campus that we will use this as a nucleus to ingrain the pillar of renewable energy. This is the first of what will be several cohorts which we roll out.” (BIS Photos/Anthon Thompson)

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Bahamas News

PM Davis touts his Government’s work in putting The Bahamas’ ‘fiscal house’ in order



NASSAU, The Bahamas – During the introduction of his 2024/2025 Budget Communication in the House of Assembly, on May 29, 2024, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance the Hon. Philip Davis said that the budget reflected just how far his Government had come, in under three years, in putting The Bahamas’ “fiscal house” in order, and significantly surpassing international projections.

“I very much understand why the international projections were cautious – we faced, and in many ways, continue to face, very serious challenges,” Prime Minister Davis said.  “But let me tell you something: It’s never a good idea to underestimate Bahamians.”

He added: “When we came into office, the fiscal situation was bleak, with a deficit that was 13.1 percent of GDP.   By the end of the last fiscal year, the deficit had been significantly reduced – to 3.8 percent of GDP – and, during this budget communication, I will announce a further reduction.  But I don’t want to wait to share the bottom line: in under three years, we have knocked a billion dollars off our deficit.”

Prime Minister Davis noted that his Government “pulled the country back from the brink by exercising fiscal discipline – while still putting our compassion for the Bahamian people at the heart of our policies.”

“We could not do otherwise: when we came into office, Bahamians were suffering terribly – far too many were out of work and in despair,” he stated.  “The unemployment rate at that time was 17.6%.”

“We moved fast – we opened up the economy, we partnered with the private sector, we encouraged innovation and new investment in tourism and other sectors, and we worked hard to promote our special little country,” Prime Minister Davis added.

“The unemployment rate is now the lowest it’s been since 2008, at 8.8%.”

Prime Minister pointed out that another key fiscal measure, the debt-to-GDP ratio, showed “how dire the situation was in 2021”, adding that in June of that year, the debt-to-GDP was 100.4%.

“That means that the size of our debt was the same size – even a little bigger – than the size of our economy,” he said.  “Once this happens to a country, a cascade of negative consequences can gain momentum, leading to a very grim outcome.”

“We took action to prevent those worst-case scenarios, and the latest debt statistics reflect a debt-to-GDP ratio of 79.9 percent, a significant achievement,” Prime Minister Davis added.  “We know we still have a lot of work ahead of us; but we’ve come a long way, and our country is finally headed in the right direction.

Prime Minister Davis also reiterated the values and the vision behind the policy decisions his Government made in the 2024/2025 Budget.

“We have big ambitions for our country and for the Bahamian people,” he stated.  “We are working hard to bring down the cost of living for Bahamians, to create safer communities, to support our entrepreneurs, to strengthen our borders, and to build a more inclusive economy.”

He added:  “We are also determined to expand opportunities across our beautiful islands, throughout our archipelago. It’s the first time The Bahamas has a Prime Minister and a Deputy Prime Minister representing Family Islands. We’re making the most of it, aren’t we, Exuma?  Our core policies, including our initiatives promoting progress for our Family Islands, were articulated in our Blueprint for Change, and were reflected in previous budgets, which have focused on national, economic, and personal security. These goals and policies will be further developed and expanded in the new fiscal year.”


BIS Photos by Anthon Thompson

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