Providenciales, 01 Apr 2015 – As the Department of Social Development and Gender Affairs, Ministry of Environment and Home Affairs, continues to recognize Social Work Month 2015, we celebrate the dedicated and committed Social Workers for the roles they have played in the Turks and Caicos Islands in “Paving the way for change”.
The question was asked these serving officers “Why social work?” It is amazing to see that the most common factor is the desire to help others and bring about change in the communities they live and serve.
These are the Social Workers of the Turks and Caicos Islands:
Nicole Wint
Social Worker, South Caicos
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I believe it was Confucius who said “If you choose a job you love, you will never have to work a day in your life.” This is one philosophy that had stuck with me throughout my Social Work Career. The one thing I have always known I would like to do with my life is to assist others and intercede on their behalf.
I was the youngest one in my class in College. People habitually asked me what I knew about Social Work being so young. Sometimes I would ask myself the same question but after realizing that my zeal to mediate on the behalf of others would not diminish, I knew I had chosen the right path.
Having spent the last eight years as a professional Social Worker, I realize more each day that I am fulfilling my purpose. I am a better person due to my profession. I have learned how to be humble and put the needs of others before my own. Frankly, I would not have it any other way.
Olivia Daye
Senior Social Worker, Providenciales
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I entered the Social Work profession out of a genuine desire to improve the lives of others. Making a difference in someone’s life, no matter how small or how great has always been important to me. As a child growing up, my first career choice was to become a medical doctor and as such, I was mentored by one. I observed my mentor giving of herself to the children of a Children’s Home that was located in close proximity to where she had her private practice. She got so involved to the point where she adopted two of the children from the home.
My parents also were highly involved in the nurturing of other children and caring for persons in need within our community. The influence of these positive role models in my life inspired me to make a difference in the lives of others. Working with different personalities of varying background on a day-to day basis has proven to be challenging and sometimes overwhelming but no doubt rewarding. For me, my work is not just an interest but a divine calling. I have been in this profession for 13 years and in spite of the challenges encountered, I am still very passionate about improving the lives of others.
Jaala Kennedy
Social Worker, Grand Turk
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I reflect on the theme for Social Work Month 2015 “Pave the way for Change” and my reason for pursuing the profession of Social Work. I realized that today it is somewhat different from what drove me to become a social worker ten years ago.
I initially wanted to empower others. Today I have decided to continue striving in this noble profession because it allows me the opportunity to be empowered myself.
The clients I have served and encountered as a Social Worker have amazed me by their unexplainable bravery to fight the odds they daily face by choosing to
Believe despite their persecutions
Dream beyond their current situations
Live in spite of their limitations
I have recently decided to broaden my prospective and adopt the mindset of many I serve and have dared to believe, dream and live. These are the first three steps needed in paving the way for change in this profession and the world in which we live.
Tania Allen-Lewis
Senior Social Worker, Grand Turk
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To say that Social Work was my first area of interest as a Profession would be disingenuous because my desire was to become a Psychologist. Although this desire was not actualized and has not vanished, I strongly believe that it was my destiny to become a part of the Social Work Profession because of the innate qualities that makes me who I am
Matthew 22:14 says that “Many are called but few are chosen”. Throughout my eight years of experience as a Social Worker, there is no doubt in my mind that one has to be chosen for such a Profession as this. I have always been of the opinion that if everyone contributes positively in the communities they live and help their fellow men by way of giving of themselves and their support, this world will be a better place.
The theme for Social Work Month 2015 “Social Work pave the way for change” not only encompasses what Social Workers have done to bring about change in their communities but also the positive changes brought about within all of us.
Tiffany Thomas-Browne
Deputy Director, Grand Turk
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I first became fascinated with the field of Social Work by observing a Social Worker who was practicing and working directly in the field. I was amazed and excited with the way she conducted investigations, interviews, interacted and engaged the client on a child abuse case.
I got my foot wet and was introduced to this field as a Clerical Officer/Welfare Assistant in South Caicos in 1999. I grew a keen interest and became inquisitive on how to become a Social Worker. I observed that there were certain skills that one must possess including: compassion, empathy, problem solving, confidentiality, communication and an overall passion and desire to help people help themselves.
What’s most fulfilling about my career is being able to connect, engage and get through to clients; seeing clients follow through with services and eventually leave the system; and providing counseling, mentoring and long-standing programs. We will continue to pave the way for change.
Are you committed to our cause? If so, join us! Become a Social Worker and begin paving the way for change.