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Bahamas News

BAHAMAS: Beacon School receives laptops and projectors



#GrandBahama, May 3, 2021 – The Beacon School received laptops for every teacher and projectors for each classroom on Monday, May 3, from a non-profit organization, Beacon for Change.

Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture, the Hon. Iram Lewis on accepting the donation described it as a “great day,” noting he was proud of Mr. Sonless Martin and Ray Ferguson of Beacon for Change.  Mr. Martin, a Bahamian who was born in The Bahamas, moved to the United States, but nevertheless continued to come back and give back said Minister Lewis.

The Beacon School had a need, and they were there to answer the call.

According to Martin, a native of Grand Bahama who now resides in Florida, it is an honour to come back every year to do something for the school. For the past 10 years, he said, he has been reaching out to the principal of the Beacon School to find out what is needed, and he and his organization would come to Grand Bahama to make the donations.

Also present was Ivan Butler, Superintendent of Education, who thanked the organization for their significant donation as it is geared towards teachers as well as students. He thanked Beacon for Change on behalf of the Ministry of Education.

Principal of the school, Titi McKenzie Moss, thanked Mr. Martin and Beacon for Change for the donation and noted that while several donations came in for the students to have tablets, the teachers were lacking devices. 

“I know that in this time when technology is so important, this will go a long way in assisting our children whether they are in the classroom or doing online learning.”


DONATION FOR TEACHERS – Beacon for Change, a non-profit organization, donated laptops for teachers and projectors for classrooms to the Beacon School on Monday, May 3, 2021.   Shown from left are: Sonless Martin, Beacon for Change; Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture, the Hon. Iram Lewis; Titi McKenzie-Moss; Ivan Butler, Superintendent of Education; and Ray Ferguson, Beacon for Change. 

Release: BIS

(BIS Photo/Lisa Davis)

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Bahamas News

Bahamas Agriculture Advancements-Reduces Food Import Reliance



Rashaed Esson

Staff Writer

The Bahamas is on its way to greater national food security and being less dependent on food imports with the Ministry of Agriculture’s container farms, two of them, provided by Eeden Farms.

On its Facebook, the ministry informs that the farms, both 40 feet, are able to produce the equivalent of 5 acres of high quality produce annually, resistant to hurricanes and pesticide free.

A container farm is a 21st century farming method that involves growing plants inside customized storage or shipping containers.


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Bahamas News

The Bahamas’ Prime Minister Philip Davis reiterated climate change concerns for his nation. 



Rashaed Esson

Staff Writer

The Bahamas’ Prime Minister Philip Davis reiterated the threats of climate change to The Bahamas, speaking at a Global Citizen Conference in New York on May 2. He spoke of The Bahamas’ vulnerability as an ocean state, highlighting that more than 85 percent of the landmass is less than 3 meters above sea level and is porous limestone; a huge issue as water is able to seep into the land due to rising sea-levels. He expressed that Bahamians are “Doomed” to become climate refugees.


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Bahamas News

U.S. Bird Flu outbreak to drive Poultry prices up says Super Value owner



Rashsed Esson

Staff Writer 

Bird Flu has been detected in domesticated birds in the US and now reports are saying in the next few months, chicken and turkey will more than likely be off the shelves as a result.

Bahamas supermarket mogul, Rupert Roberts, as owner of Super Value and Quality Supermarkets, is featured in a report by Guardian Business giving a frightening forecast. He fears poultry products will be wiped out.

This he says is scary.

He adds that suppliers are not saying much if anything at all, but are expecting this outcome worldwide.

The bird flu was found in chickens in Texas and Michigan, said media reports which also said one person was infected, as well as other livestock.

In response to the outbreak, the largest egg producer in the US, CalMaine Foods, temporarily stopped egg production in Texas and started executing over 1 million hens and 337 thousand chicks.

Despite this, Roberts reportedly said chicken and turkey supplies are safe for now. The Bahamas imports its turkey from Brazil, which Roberts hopes will grow to become the country’s main supplier.

However, the unfortunate outcome is that poultry prices are set to go up according to Roberts, as the small island nation competes with giant economies like China for poultry products.



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