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FortisTCI and CEO Ruth Forbes appointed to global group of Accountants




FortisTCI President and CEO Ruth Forbes has been nominated by the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) to serve on the International Federation of Accountants’ Professional Accountants in Business Advisory Group (IFAC PAIB).

Mrs. Forbes’s appointment to the IFAC PAIB Advisory Group is for a period of three years, ending on December 31, 2026. The PAIB’s Advisory Group is a global corps of business and finance leaders who consider and address trends affecting business and public sector organizations and their professional accountants. The group welcomes members who, by their experiences, are knowledgeable about the demands and needs of organizations and the business environment and recognize the importance of accountancy professionalism and expertise to their success. The group advocates for professional accountants in business and supports effective corporate governance. The PAIB’s Advisory Group members are nominated by a professional accounting organization.

As the IMA’s representative, Mrs. Forbes will contribute to the IFAC PAIB Advisory Group’s strategic involvement in business and accountancy matters, support IFAC’s initiatives and projects, and be involved in stakeholder engagement across the global accounting profession.

Mrs. Forbes commented on her appointment, “It is a special honour for me to be nominated to serve on IFAC’s PAIB Advisory Group, and a remarkable opportunity to represent the accounting profession on this global body. The profession plays a significant role in shaping the strategic direction, governance framework, and, ultimately, the success of private sector companies and public organizations.

“I look forward to helping the PAIB Advisory Group advance the accounting profession and nurturing the relationships that I will develop with my global colleagues. I am thankful that through this appointment, I can also contribute to the profession’s evolution and help guide the next generation of leaders.”

Mrs. Forbes is a Certified Management Accountant (CMA) and a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). She has a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Barry University. She also completed the Directors Education Program and received the ICD.D designation from the Institute of Corporate Directors through the University of Toronto – Rotman School of Management.

Mrs. Forbes has served as President and CEO of FortisTCI since 2020. She is one of the few female CEOs in the utility sector serving the Caribbean region. She also was Senior Vice President of Corporate Services, Chief Financial Officer, and Company Secretary at FortisTCI and has 17 years of experience in the energy industry.

She serves as a Director on the boards of FortisOntario and Fortis Belize Limited. She is also a Director on the board of The Caribbean Electric Utility Services Corporation (CARILEC). She has served for three years as the Governor’s Appointed Member of the Public Accounts Committee of the Turks and Caicos Islands.





Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands, 2nd July 2024– The Turks and Caicos Fire and Rescue Service has successfully concluded an intensive week of Road Traffic Accident (RTA) and Extrication Training. The programme, held from June 24, 2024to June 28, 2024, was designed to equip firefighters with essential skills and knowledge to effectively respond to road traffic accidents and extrication scenarios.

The training programme, delivered through a combination of theoretical and practical components, aimed to introduce firefighters to their roles in road traffic accidents and prepare them for efficient and safe responses. The course included comprehensive coverage of current statistics, policies, procedures, and best practices relevant to RTA response, advanced first aid knowledge, and risk assessment skills.

Key Training Components:

  1. RTA Philosophy and Procedures:Understanding the core principles and standard operating procedures for managing road traffic accidents.
  2. RTA Equipment and Vehicle Technology:Familiarisation with the latest equipment and technological advancements in vehicles, crucial for effective extrication.
  3. Roadway Procedures and Large Goods Vehicles:Strategies for safely managing accidents involving large goods vehicles and maintaining roadway safety during operations.

The programme was conducted over five days, with theoretical sessions each day from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.

Adderley Selver, Chief Fire Officer of Turks and Caicos Fire and Rescue Service, stated, “This training is a significant step in enhancing our team’s preparedness and response capabilities. Our firefighters are now better equipped to handle the complexities of road traffic accidents, ensuring the safety and well-being of our community.”

Aubrey Felix, Training Manager stated, “The training was incredibly comprehensive and provided us with valuable hands-on experience. We are now more confident in our ability to execute extrications safely and efficiently.”

The Turks and Caicos Fire and Rescue Service is committed to continuous professional development and maintaining high standards of emergency response. The knowledge and skills gained from this training will be integrated into daily operations, ensuring enhanced readiness and safety in road traffic accident scenarios.

The Turks and Caicos Fire and Rescue Service is dedicated to protecting lives and property through effective fire suppression, emergency medical response, and disaster management. Committed to excellence, the service continually invests in training and development to ensure the highest level of service to the community.

For emergencies, please contact 911. For non- emergencies please contact (649) 941-8090.

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While you were sleeping! Turks and Caicos Islands



#TurksandCaicos, July 5, 2024 – The Former Deputy Premier Sean Astwood has raised significant concerns regarding the transparency and decision-making processes of the current government. Hon. Astwood concern stems from what he sees as the government’s inconsistent posting of Cabinet minutes and a significant, yet largely unnoticed, increase in retirement allowances for former legislators.

In an article, Hon. Astwood highlighted the government’s cessation of posting Cabinet minutes, a practice essential for maintaining public trust and accountability. Following this article, the government issued an apology, attributing the lapse to a staff shortage and resumed posting the minutes briefly. However, this effort was short-lived as the minutes have once again stopped being posted. Also noteworthy is that after an extensive search the minutes for the last half of 2023 seem to not have been published.

Of particular concern to Hon. Astwood, is a recent Cabinet decision, disclosed in the temporarily resumed minutes, to increase the retirement allowance for former legislators by 20 percent, effective April 1, 2024. This decision appears to have been lost in what he describes as an information dump when four months of cabinet minutes were release at the same time. The Former Deputy Premier believes this lack of attention is a deliberate attempt to avoid public scrutiny ahead of the upcoming elections and on the heels of the government giving themselves almost a 40% raised just in December of last year.

Hon. Astwood asserts that transparency and accountability are fundamental to democratic governance, emphasizing the public’s right to be fully informed about decisions that affect their resources and governance. The government’s failure to consistently post Cabinet minutes undermines this principle and raises concerns about what other vital information might be withheld.

Honourable Astwood calls on the government to: Resume and Maintain Posting of Cabinet Minutes: Ensure that all Cabinet minutes are promptly and consistently made available to the public.

Provide Justification for the Increase in Retirement Allowances: Offer a transparent explanation for the 20 percent increase in retirement allowances for former legislators and clarify why this decision was made without adequate public disclosure and debate.

He also demands that the government be consistent in the way Cabinet Minutes are written, it should not be that tender X was awarded to “John Brown” and tender Y was awarded to “a named individual”.

This type of seemingly manipulating the minutes only creates an environment of greater distrust for government and its processes. Enhance Transparency and Accountability: Commit to greater transparency in all governmental processes to restore public trust and confidence.

Honourable Astwood emphasizes that accountability is not a partisan issue but a cornerstone of democracy. The public deserves to be informed and engaged in decisions that impact the nation’s governance and resources.

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“New Taxi Stand at Howard Hamilton International Airport Boosts Comfort and Efficiency”  



Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands – The Turks and Caicos Islands Airports Authority (TCIAA) is pleased to announce the latest upgrades to the taxi stand at Howard Hamilton International Airport.
The enhancement improves comfort and convenience for taxi operators.

Fidelity Construction began modernizing the taxi stand on May 13, 2024. The upgraded facility was officially handed over to the Airports Authority on June 28th, 2024.

The revamped taxi stand will see a considerable increase in size from its previous dimensions of 15′ x 15′ to a more spacious 16′ x 30′. This expansion allows for a more functional and comfortable environment, featuring:

  • An Enclosed Building with a Small Kitchenette, providing a convenient space for taxi operators to prepare and enjoy refreshments.
  • Comfortable Seating Around the Wall ensures ample space for taxi drivers to rest between trips.
  • Air Conditioning will offer much-needed relief from the tropical heat, making the waiting area more pleasant for drivers.

Two exit doors and windows now provide a well-ventilated and easily accessible environment.
“We are committed to improving the overall experience for our taxi operators at Howard Hamilton International Airport. The upgraded taxi stand is a part of our ongoing efforts to enhance our infrastructure and provide better services to our local community,” said Godfrey Smith, TCIAA’s Chief Executive Officer.

Lofton Ellis, the Immediate Past President of the United Taxi Alliance also commented on the renovations “We are delighted to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the esteemed Government and the Turks and Caicos Islands Airport Authority for considering the concerns raised by the United Taxi Alliance (UTA) and taking proactive steps to address them effectively.”

Mr. Ellis said that he believes collaboration and open dialogue is essential in driving positive change and fostering a harmonious relationship between stakeholders.  “The receptiveness and responsiveness demonstrated by the Government and the Airport Authority in addressing the concerns of the United Taxi Alliance are truly commendable and reflect a shared commitment to promoting fairness, transparency, and inclusivity within the transportation sector.”

Mr. Ellis went on to say “The UTA remains dedicated to working collaboratively with all stakeholders to promote positive change, drive innovation, and enhance the overall taxi experience for passengers and drivers alike.”

The taxi stand upgrade is expected to streamline operations for taxi drivers to deliver exceptional service at The Howard Hamilton International Airport.

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