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FortisTCI and CEO Ruth Forbes appointed to global group of Accountants




FortisTCI President and CEO Ruth Forbes has been nominated by the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) to serve on the International Federation of Accountants’ Professional Accountants in Business Advisory Group (IFAC PAIB).

Mrs. Forbes’s appointment to the IFAC PAIB Advisory Group is for a period of three years, ending on December 31, 2026. The PAIB’s Advisory Group is a global corps of business and finance leaders who consider and address trends affecting business and public sector organizations and their professional accountants. The group welcomes members who, by their experiences, are knowledgeable about the demands and needs of organizations and the business environment and recognize the importance of accountancy professionalism and expertise to their success. The group advocates for professional accountants in business and supports effective corporate governance. The PAIB’s Advisory Group members are nominated by a professional accounting organization.

As the IMA’s representative, Mrs. Forbes will contribute to the IFAC PAIB Advisory Group’s strategic involvement in business and accountancy matters, support IFAC’s initiatives and projects, and be involved in stakeholder engagement across the global accounting profession.

Mrs. Forbes commented on her appointment, “It is a special honour for me to be nominated to serve on IFAC’s PAIB Advisory Group, and a remarkable opportunity to represent the accounting profession on this global body. The profession plays a significant role in shaping the strategic direction, governance framework, and, ultimately, the success of private sector companies and public organizations.

“I look forward to helping the PAIB Advisory Group advance the accounting profession and nurturing the relationships that I will develop with my global colleagues. I am thankful that through this appointment, I can also contribute to the profession’s evolution and help guide the next generation of leaders.”

Mrs. Forbes is a Certified Management Accountant (CMA) and a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). She has a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Barry University. She also completed the Directors Education Program and received the ICD.D designation from the Institute of Corporate Directors through the University of Toronto – Rotman School of Management.

Mrs. Forbes has served as President and CEO of FortisTCI since 2020. She is one of the few female CEOs in the utility sector serving the Caribbean region. She also was Senior Vice President of Corporate Services, Chief Financial Officer, and Company Secretary at FortisTCI and has 17 years of experience in the energy industry.

She serves as a Director on the boards of FortisOntario and Fortis Belize Limited. She is also a Director on the board of The Caribbean Electric Utility Services Corporation (CARILEC). She has served for three years as the Governor’s Appointed Member of the Public Accounts Committee of the Turks and Caicos Islands.

TCI Court

Mother’s Day Vacationer from Orlando expected to be sentenced today in TCI Supreme Court



Wilkie Arthur
Eagle Legal News

An “excellent” Turks and Caicos Mother’s Day vacation was ruined by the discovery of two bullets in baggage at the Howard Hamilton International Airport on Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands, when a grandmother was prevented from traveling back home to Orlando, Florida on May 13th of this year.
Both mother and daughter were stopped by airport law enforcement authorities when deep inside her travel bag, under the far bottom flap, airport scanners picked up the two bullets.

The accused, on Wednesday June 26th, pleaded guilty to being in unlawful possession of two rounds of ammunition before her Ladyship the Hon. Ms. Tanya Lobban-Jackson and she is today listed for continued sentencing hearing on Wednesday, 3rd July, 2024.

SHARITTA SHINISE GRIER, 46 is the only American woman and the last of the five Americans who were charged with breach of the Turks and Caicos Firearms Ordinance which forbids possession of gun and ammunition unless registered and licensed by the Royal TCI Police Force.
The expectation is that Grier will benefit from the ‘exceptional circumstances’ clause in the law and be permitted to finally return home.

In recent weeks, the high-profile cases focused on the ordeal for Americans: TYLER WENRICK who was eventually released after being sentenced to a fine of $9,000.00 for two 9mm rounds of ammunition.
RYAN WATSON, who was fined $2,000.00 for four bullets.

BRYAN HAGERICH who was fined $6,700.00 for 20 rounds of rifle bullets.

MICHAEL LEE EVANS, no fine, for a loaded magazine with seven rounds of ammunition therein. He was, however, given a suspended sentence.

SHARITTA SHINISE GRIER is represented by F- Chambers senior attorney Ms. Sheena Mair.

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CTO Ministers’ Panel on “Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in Tourism” 



NEW YORK, NY — The Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) presented an insightful Ministers’ Panel on “Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in Tourism” during Caribbean Week in New York. Moderated by Stacy Cox, CEO of the Turks and Caicos Hotels and Tourism Association (TCHTA), the session explored AI’s transformative potential for Caribbean tourism.

Panelists included Gregg Bishop, Executive Director for Social Justice Funds in New York; Femi Anthony, Solutions Architect and Data Engineer; and Jeanette Moy, Commissioner of the Office of General Services, NY. They discussed how AI can foster a sustainable and inclusive future for Caribbean tourism.

In her opening remarks, Cox highlighted AI as a global game-changer, enhancing travel experiences and destination marketing. She urged the Caribbean to harness AI for sustainability, inclusive growth, and innovation tailored to small island nations.

“AI holds vast possibilities for revolutionizing tourism at every touchpoint,” Cox stated. She cited examples of AI-driven data analytics in Singapore, robot-staffed hotels in Nagasaki, and AI-powered customer service in the United States, emphasizing the need for the Caribbean to adopt similar advancements.

Cox outlined how AI can enhance tourist experiences, from planning to departure, using real-time data to offer personalized recommendations and optimize transportation and accommodation. She also stressed AI’s role in job creation and workforce development, calling for government and educational collaboration to prepare the workforce for an AI-driven future.

Key questions posed by Cox included how AI can support sustainable tourism, local businesses, and environmental monitoring. She emphasized AI’s potential to track and reduce tourism’s carbon footprint and aid in disaster resilience.

“As we move forward, integrating AI into our tourism strategies is not just an option – it is imperative,” Cox declared.

As part of Caribbean Week, TCHTA members Marie McKenzie of Carnival Corporation spoke on “Unlocking the Potential: The Growth of the Cruise Sector and Government Partnerships” and Kashmie Ali of Sailrock South Caicos spoke on “Caribbean Excellence: Shaping Service Standards in the Region,” respectively.

The CTO’s Tourism Week was held in New York at the Intercontinental Hotel, Broadway, from June 17th to 21st.

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Grand Turk Unites: TCI-Reef Fund Initiative Sparks Community Action



Ed Forbes


#TurksandCaicos, July 2, 2024 – Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos—In a time when environmental challenges loom large, the TCI-Reef Fund Initiative has emerged as a beacon of hope for the Grand Turk community.

This grassroots effort aims to help restore the island’s coral reefs, which have been severely damaged by climate change and human activity. While the issue of coral reef degradation might seem distant to some, its impact on local ecosystems and economies is profound.

The Silent Crisis Beneath the Waves:

Coral reefs are the lifeblood of marine environments, supporting a staggering diversity of life. In Grand Turk, they also underpin the local economy, attracting tourists for snorkeling and diving excursions.

However, rising sea temperatures, pollution, unsustainable fishing practices, tour guides and private yachts dropping anchors in our reefs, have led to widespread coral bleaching and reef decay. This silent crisis threatens not only marine life but also the livelihoods of those who depend on the tourism industry.

The TCI-Reef Fund Initiative: A Community’s Response.

Recognizing the urgent need for action, a coalition of local businesses, volunteers and concerned citizens launched the TCI-Reef Fund Initiative spearheaded by Ed Forbes and Alizee Zimmermann, Executive Director of the TCI-Reef Fund.

This project aims to help rehabilitate the reefs through placement of proper pin moorings for boaters to utilize instead of dropping anchors in the reefs.

By involving the community at every stage, the initiative fosters a sense of ownership, educational, hands-on efforts and responsibility toward the island’s natural resources.

Why Should We Care?

For some, the health of distant coral reefs might seem a peripheral concern. However, the stakes are high. Healthy reefs protect shorelines from erosion, support commercial fisheries, and are vital to the biodiversity of our oceans.

Furthermore, the economic implications for Grand Turk are significant. The loss of coral reefs could decimate the tourism industry, leading to job losses and economic downturns that would ripple through the community.

Addressing Skepticism and Confusion:

Skeptics may question the feasibility and impact of the TCI-Reef Fund Initiative. Can a small community effort truly make a difference in the face of global environmental challenges? The answer lies in the power of collective action and local stewardship.

By restoring even a fraction of the coral reefs and allowing it to heal, the initiative can serve as a model for other communities and attract global attention and funding. Moreover, the project emphasizes sustainable practices that can mitigate further damage and promote long-term resilience.

A Call to Action:

The TCI-Reef Fund Initiative is not just an environmental project; it’s a call to action for everyone who values the natural world. It challenges us to reconsider our relationship with nature and to recognize our role in its preservation. By supporting this initiative, individuals can contribute to a tangible, positive change in the world.

Moving Forward:

As the TCI-Reef Fund Initiative gains momentum, it offers a blueprint for how small communities can tackle big problems with or without governmental support.

By combining scientific expertise with local passion, Grand Turk is showing that it is possible to fight back against environmental degradation. The initiative’s success could inspire other coastal communities facing similar challenges, proving that meaningful change is within reach.

In a world where environmental news often feels overwhelming, the TCI-Reef Fund Initiative offers a glimmer of hope. It reminds us that even in the face of daunting challenges, local actions can have a global impact.

The people of Grand Turk are not just protecting their reefs; they are safeguarding their future and setting an example for the world to follow.

This was exhibited through the overwhelming support we received from the various businesses and volunteers.

Mooring team:


Hasani-Chukka Tours

Henry-Blue Water Divers

Darik-Exclusive Escapes Tours

Smitty-Grand Turk Diving

Nate-Blue Water Divers

Ed-Exclusive Escapes Tours

Kaya-Jedi Charters and Kite

Kevin-4Fun Produtions WW

Jason-Exclusive Escapes Tours

Vasco-Exclusive Escapes Tours

Kirk-Chukka Tours

Grumps-Local Fishermen

DJ-Grand Turk Wave-Runner Adventures

Businesses/Entity involved:

Chukka Tours

Osprey Hotel

Jack’s Shack

Cakeos Cafe

Mateos Restaurant

Port Authority

Though much work remains to be done, as always, I hope articles like these inspire, encourage and remind everyone that the goals ahead are achievable if we all do our part.

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