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TCI Health Ministry says COVID cases up, information slow in coming   



Dana Malcolm 

Staff Writing 


#TurksandCaicos, February 1, 2024 – Symptomatic Covid-19 Cases are on the rise in the Turks and Caicos Islands prompting a warning from the Ministry of Health but it may be that delayed dissemination of information could put residents at risk.

According to the Ministry of Health and Human Services, the cases are concentrated in Grand Turk. Between the week of January 14 to 20th, there were eight new cases, six in Grand Turk and two in Providenciales. During the week of January 7th to 13th 10 new cases had been recorded, seven in Grand Turk and three in Providenciales.  Both updates were shared on January 29th along with a graphic indicating cases were rising and instructing residents on how to prevent infection.

Updates on the COVID-19 case count locally via the dashboard continue to be, one, two or three weeks behind. The COVID-19 dashboard, while billed as a weekly update, has been delayed for the past several months, providing residents with out-of-date information each time it is posted. Thankfully no hospitalisations have been recorded over the period.

Currently, there is no information for last week (January 21 to 27th).

When Magnetic Media carried reports of increasing COVID-19 cases in the United States in early January, the only available information on the TCI Ministry of Health website pertained to mid-December.

Now that those statistics are shared, it confirms the country was also going through an increase at that time. It is not unusual for COVID-19 cases to spike during the winter flu season along with influenza and other respiratory diseases including RSV.

Commenting on the uptick in COVID-19 cases Shaun Malcolm, Minister of Health and Human Services, said “We have the tools at our disposal to get tested for COVID-19 and other acute respiratory infections. Every person has a role to play in practising proper hygiene at all times to reduce the spread of COVID-19 as well as other communicable diseases. There are actions which you can take to protect yourself and others.”

The JN.1 variant is currently spreading rapidly in the United States, the Turks and Caicos’ largest travel partner. Turks and Caicos residents are now being asked to take extra caution to avoid infection.

The MoHHS advises:

  • Covering your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. Dispose of used tissues in a waste basket. If a tissue is unavailable, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve or elbow rather than your hands.
  • Wash your hands often and thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or the duration of singing the birthday song twice. If soap and water are not accessible, utilize an alcohol-based hand rub.
  • Refrain from touching your eyes, nose, or mouth, as germs often spread when hands come into contact with contaminated surfaces and then touch the face.
  • Regularly clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces at home, work, or school, especially when someone is unwell.
  • Avoid close contact with individuals who are unwell.
  • If you are sick or your child is sick, stay home and maintain a distance from others, particularly those in vulnerable groups, to prevent the transmission of illness.
  • Get tested and seek treatment.
  • Masks can be worn in settings where social distancing is not possible and in cases where persons are vulnerable.
  • Prioritize ample rest, hydration, nutritious eating, stress management, and physical activity to support overall well-being.

Caribbean News

CARPHA Provides Technical Support for Malaria Intervention in Turks and Caicos Islands



Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands – Wednesday, 17 July 2024: The Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) recently concluded a successful mission from 8 – 12 July 2024 to provide critical technical support for malaria intervention in the Turks and Caicos Islands following an imported malaria case identified in May 2024. This visit underscores CARPHA’s commitment to enhancing public health measures and ensuring effective response to vector-borne diseases in the region.

The CARPHA team, comprised of esteemed experts, included:

  • Horace Cox, Acting Director Surveillance, Disease Prevention and Control at CARPHA
  • Rajesh Ragoo, Senior Technical Officer, Vector-Borne Disease Surveillance, Disease Prevention, and Control
  • Jenna Indarsingh, CariVecNet Coordination Officer, Vector-Borne Disease Unit

The primary objectives of this intervention were multifaceted, focusing on both theoretical and practical aspects of malaria control and prevention:

  1. Theoretical Sessions: Delivered comprehensive training on malaria epidemiology, vector biology, and bionomics to enhance the knowledge base of local health professionals.
  2. Field Activities: Conducted extensive fieldwork investigating mosquito breeding sites to detect any potential vectors of malaria parasites and discussed effective vector control measures to mitigate the spread of malaria.
  3. Surveillance and Response Review: Supported the review and enhancement of the existing malaria surveillance and response plan, including optimising reporting tools.
  4. Diagnosis and Treatment Services: Evaluated access to and quality of malaria diagnosis and treatment services, incorporating quality assurance components to ensure the highest standards of care.
  5. Action Plan Development: Assisted in the formulation of action plans aimed at resource mobilisation and community engagement activities to foster a comprehensive and sustainable malaria control strategy.

This collaborative effort between CARPHA and the Ministry of Health and Hunan Services of the Turks and Caicos Islands saw the CARPHA team working closely with the National Epidemiology and Research Unit (NERU), the National Public Health Laboratory, and the Vector Control Unit. The joint initiative aimed to strengthen local capacities and fortify the overall public health response framework against malaria.

Dr. Horace Cox, Acting Director Surveillance, Disease Prevention and Control at CARPHA, stated, “Our visit highlights the importance of regional cooperation and technical support in combating vector-borne diseases. By working closely with local health authorities, we aim to enhance their capabilities in malaria prevention, diagnosis, and treatment, ensuring better health outcomes for the community.”

Dr. Nadia Astwood, Chief Medical Officer within the Turks and Caicos Islands Ministry of Health and Human Services, commented on the collaboration: “We are grateful for the support provided by CARPHA. This intervention has significantly bolstered our efforts to prevent and control malaria in our islands. The expertise and resources brought in by the CARPHA team have been invaluable in strengthening our public health framework and ensuring our community is well-protected against malaria.”

The Turks and Caicos Islands Ministry of Health remains steadfast in its dedication to safeguarding the public against vector-borne diseases. Through continued collaboration with regional partners like CARPHA, the Ministry is committed to maintaining robust health systems and protecting the well-being of all residents.

For additional information, please visit the Ministry of Health’s Facebook page on

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Caribbean News

CARPHA Calls on Member States to Take Action to Reduce the Spread of Mosquito Borne Diseases



Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago.  5 July 2024.   Mosquito borne diseases continue to pose a serious public health threat to the Caribbean Region.  The Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) has increased reports of Dengue outbreaks with hospitalisations and deaths in some instances, and recently confirmed cases of Zika, and Chikungunya at its Medical Microbiology Laboratory.

These mosquito-borne diseases can have a major impact on our way of life and our vital tourist industry on which most of our islands depend.

“The Region of the Americas has seen a two-hundred-fold increase in suspected Dengue cases in the first half of 2024, compared to the same period in 2023.  Member States are encouraged to remain vigilant. It is crucial that surveillance, prevention and control measures are boosted to reduce the transmission of arboviruses in the Caribbean,” stated Dr. Lisa Indar, Ad Interim Executive Director at CARPHA.

Dengue is known to cause outbreaks every three to five years.  The Region has seen outbreaks of Chikungunya and Zika virus infections that challenged public health systems in virtually every country in our Region.

Dr. Horace Cox, Assistant Director of Surveillance, Disease Prevention and Control, and Head Vector Borne Diseases at CARPHA: “These viral infections are transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito – a vector known to be endemic to the Region.  With the start of the hurricane season CARPHA is urging its Member States to strengthen integrated vector management strategies in their communities.  These include the elimination of mosquito breeding sites with the aim of reducing the number of mosquito larvae.”

To counter the increase in mosquitoes and potential disease transmission, greater effort should be placed on mosquito control activities in communities, and these should be intensified. CARPHA urges its Member States to review their preparedness and response plans, as well as to continue surveillance, early diagnosis, and timely care of arboviral disease cases, to prevent complications leading to hospitalisation and deaths.

Mr. Rajesh Ragoo, Senior Technical Officer for Vector-Borne Diseases at CARPHA stated “Community involvement is essential in the fight against mosquito-borne diseases. A proactive approach can help to reduce risk and keep communities safe.”

  • Check and remove standing water from around your home.  Ensure your surroundings are clean and free of materials or containers that can accumulate water around your homes and communities.
  • Use of wire-mesh/screens on doors and windows also help in reducing the entry of mosquitoes into homes.
  • Water storage drums and tanks must be properly covered and inspected periodically to ensure that there is no breeding. Roof gutters should also be cleaned to prevent water from pooling.

The mosquitoes that spread dengue are active during the day. Personal preventative measures to minimise mosquito bites are also extremely important. Vulnerable groups such as infants, young children, older adults, and women who are pregnant, or trying to get pregnant, must be extra cautious. Long-sleeved clothing and repellents containing DEET, IR3535 or lemon eucalyptus, should be used to protect exposed skin, and must be used in accordance with the instructions on the product label. Confirmed cases of mosquito borne diseases should rest under mosquito nets.

CARPHA remains committed to supporting CARPHA Member States (CMS) in their vector control efforts, including capacity building in integrated vector control strategies.  CMS must continue to strengthen prevention and control measures such as surveillance, diagnosis, as well as timely and adequate treatment of cases, while ensuring that health care services are prepared to facilitate access and proper management of patients with these diseases.

CARPHA has produced campaigns to raise awareness, promote effective prevention, and control measures for mosquito borne diseases.  Information about mosquito borne diseases can be found here:

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Caribbean News

From Awareness to Action: Public Health Matters



July 5, 2024


Caribbean Public Health Day (CPHD) is celebrated annually on July 2nd to raise awareness about public health’s vital role in the lives of Caribbean people, and to highlight the work of the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA). This day coincides with the anniversary of CARPHA, the region’s sole public health agency, legally established in July 2011 and operationalized in 2013 following the signing of an Intergovernmental Agreement by CARICOM Heads of Government.

This year’s CPHD theme, “From Awareness to Action: Public Health Matters,” brings to light the many daily activities that are influenced by multi-sectoral public health interventions. It also calls for individual actions to support public health efforts as we all contribute to the sustenance and development of Healthy People, Healthy Spaces and a Healthy Caribbean. By participating in local health initiatives, advocating for safe environments, and practicing and promoting healthful behaviours, we can all be champions of public health.

“Public health is more than preventing diseases; it’s a holistic approach to improving the health of people and their communities, including the air we breathe, the food we eat, our lifestyle behaviours and the environment we live in,” said Dr Lisa Indar, Ad Interim Executive Director at CARPHA when asked for comment.

Dr Mark Sami, Director of Corporate Services at CARPHA, added, “This day allows us to reflect on public health’s broader meaning. It is a right for every Caribbean citizen, and CARPHA is dedicated to being the region’s strongest advocate for healthful practices at all levels of society.”

CARPHA advances regional health under the principle that the health of the region is the wealth of the region. By promoting overall health, providing strategic direction and responding to public health priorities, implementing frameworks for disease prevention and control, supporting Member States response to health emergencies and supporting the objectives of the Caribbean Cooperation in Health (CCH), the Agency stands at the forefront of regional development.

We invite everyone to learn more about CARPHA’s role in public health and how individual actions can contribute to a healthier and safer Caribbean. Visit and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter), and LinkedIn for more information.

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