#TurksandCaicos, February 25, 2022 – It’s time to break the stigma associated with mental health disorders in TCI. Often times we tend to shy away from discussing the subject of mental illness, because it’s uncomfortable for some.
This subject is near and dear to my heart, not to mention I have a son and a sibling who struggles with mental illness.
I’m inclined to believe I’m not alone when it comes to the need for more discussion around this subject.
In all likelihood, mental illness is more prevalent among us then we want to believe and have probably touched a number of families within our communities in some form or fashion.
According to ADAA(Anxiety and Depression Association of America), nearly 450 million people worldwide are currently living with a mental illness, yet nearly two thirds of people with a known mental illness never seek or get
With the negative stigma around mental health in TCI, now imagine if a comprehensive study was done. The findings could be quite surprising especially with the rate per capita in such a small population.
For far to long, we have treated mental illness as taboo, largely in part due to shame and lack of proper understanding. Often time referring to such persons as crazy or lunatics.
Sadly, what it has done is pushed persons further underground, causing their illness to go undiagnosed for a longer period of time and not properly treated.
What’s also important to understand is the fact that in many cases, this illness may not be so obvious on the surface.
It’s not just limited to some of the homeless persons we may occasionally encounter on the streets. One can appear to be functioning fine and have it all together, but the reality is, they could be struggling internally.
There are various forms of mental disorders, such as severe depression, ADD, uncontrollable anxiety, phobias, certain individuals who are on the Autism Spectrum Disorder etc.
Studies have also shown that persons who suffer from such disorders, if untreated, it could also drive them to certain addictions, bing eating or suicidal thoughts.
It could also cause those individuals to lash out in different ways or resort to other cynical behaviors.
As outlined in the PNP manifesto under their commitment to Safety, Security and Justice, it’s high time our government finally acknowledged the need for more public awareness around this subject.
Henceforth, there is a lot of work that will need to be done to catch up with the rest of the world in terms of providing the necessary resources and mental health awareness programs.
With that being said, there are several things that will need to take place..starting with a comprehensive assessment of identifying those individuals. This will need to be a multifaceted approach, to include those on the frontline, better coordination of the departments involved with treatment, the prison system and social welfare programs.
These are all important steps we will have to take and confront, if we are serious about addressing mental illness.
For example, based on our population, do we have an adequate number of mental health counselors? How readily available are they in times of need?
Are we going into public schools and educating students on the availability of such programs? This could help to debunk the stigma of being called crazy or a lunatic.
The world as we know it is changing at a rapid pace and so is our lives.
As a result, we find ourselves devoting less and less time to internalize and deal with our emotions.
We have to look beyond our homes, go behind prison walls, in our schools, churches and on the streets to help identify and find ways to deal with these issues.
How many of our young men are locked behind bars because of undiagnosed and untreated mental illness? Are there adequate treatment facilities available to properly assist them or are they in the general prison population?
It’s imperative that we begin prioritizing mental health resources that address the underlying reasons for cynical behaviors.
Case in point: Over the years, I believe there are many students who have been identified with behavioral issues, are we taking a deeper dive or creating mandates around what types of disciplinary responses are appropriate when they act up?
In order for those students to get the attention that’s needed, educators will need instructional models that allow them to spend less time lecturing and more time in one on one discussions.
Albeit, there are lots of moving pieces when it comes to mental health, we must first start with recognizing and destigmatization of the basic diagnosis.
What is even more important to come to grips with in respect to our prison population, is the fact most of them are not serving life sentences. They will eventually be released into society with little help or monitoring.
Now what? if their diagnosis goes untreated, they will become a danger to themselves and to society as a whole.
Let’s start with overcoming this stigma of mental illness to avoid it from being repeated by the next generation. Therefore, the time to act is now!
Ed Forbes,
Concerned citizen of Grand Turk