
100 Days in Office, New TCI Governor talks Security, Youth Empowerment and Cabinet relations 



Dana Malcolm 

Staff Writer 


#TurksandCaicos, November 10, 2023 – As she marked her 100th day in office on October 7, Dileeni Daniel Selvaratnam, TCI Governor took to the radio airways to speak to the Turks and Caicos people, describing the major issues she hopes to address including the country’s national security, the reactive nature of the security forces, and opportunities for Youth.

“When I first came in, they really had to be a focus in terms of national security. We had that spate of shootings two or three weeks in so that really brought a focus in terms of my priorities and responsibilities,” she explained.

It’s one of the top issues in the country with several facets that she wants to work on.

“I think one of the key challenges is actually— the responsive nature to the crime that we are seeing, but another, where I would really like to get more strategic intervention is attention is early intervention.”

The Governor, who entered the islands in historic fashion as the first female governor and first governor of colour, said it came down to how the TCI as a British overseas territory was nurturing the ambition of its youth.

“How are we giving them confidence to you go for the opportunities that are available to them and— how are we nurturing a sense of pride, because I think if we are not nurturing that talent, and then I think there is hope, all are ability among our youth, and respect to the wider crime side.”

Daniel-Selvaratnam stressed that it was, for her, important to explore how the government could drive community partnerships to combat crime early.

“I am in this position because I was very fortunate and had parents who gave me every confidence to go for the opportunities I wanted to go for whereas a lot of children they don’t have the benefit of that-so I really believe that there is a duty on myself and others in our posts, to be able to help structure that pathway for them.”

In her duties, she has described the relationship with Turks and Caicos elected officials as supportive.

“I have a very supportive team led by the deputy governor, and also a very good working relationship with the Cabinet so in that respect, it’s been a very mutually supportive, frank and open relationship that I’ve been able to have.”

The Governor, who marked 100 Days in Turks and Caicos on October 8 was speaking on Wassup TCI with Andy Missick.  The show aired on Government-owned, RTC, Radio Turks and Caicos on Thursday October 7, 2023.


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