Caribbean News

EPG Update, leaves Haiti disappointed



Rashaed Esson

Staff Writer


#Haiti, September 15, 2023 – The Eminent Persons Group (EPG) that visited Haiti left the country empty handed on Sunday September 10th, failing to come to the desired political agreement to bring about general elections.

After meetings in June in Jamaica and July in Haiti where positive steps were taken with Haitian stakeholders, as well as informal talks among stakeholders, the EPG was encouraged to take further action visiting the Republic on September 4th for 5 days to help stabilize the nation but these efforts unfortunately proved futile.

The group reported, according to RJR news, that the tone of the discussions with the stakeholders in the country had hardened and that the positions of some stakeholders had regressed significantly, a disappointing outcome.

They noted that there were strident calls for the resignation of Ariel Henry, Haitian Prime Minister.

However, sources, as reported by Radio Téléphone Métronome, say further efforts were made starting on Tuesday September 12th.

Regarding this, its reported that following Intensive talks that brought together Prime Minister Henry, representatives of the December 21 Accord, the Joint Declaration of Kingston and civil society, it was agreed  that Intensive mediation meetings would start (12th of September), which will be facilitated initially by the EPG through videoconference and in person, that is if stakeholder request it so.

So far nothing new has been reported.


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