
Problem is Solvable



By Oswald Skippings

#TurksandCaicos, May 1, 2023 – While the premature departure of Governor Nigel Dakin still remains a mystery and indeed a provocative challenge to politically experienced enquiring minds, it is obvious that one such result would be the lack of direct influence of a British Governor on the British government to exercise its constitutional responsibility of providing internal and external security and consequently facilitate the halting of the overbearing illegal Haitian invasion of our country.

It would indeed be easy for many of us to readily blame our own Turks and Caicos interim Governor, her Excellency Anya Williams for not ensuring that His Majesty’s Government lives up to its responsibility and send the necessary marine, inland and financial assistance to deal with this increasing overbearing and dangerous threat.

We have seen where elected governments from both political Parties do not have the will nor the skill to effectively deal with this problem that is about to destroy our economy, our culture, our cosmopolitan Turks and Caicos peoples and indeed our country.

Our elected leaders continue to sit idly by overwhelmed by self inflicted political and governmental impotence failing to see or care about the looming, imminent, clear and present danger that’s increasing by the day, or perhaps one should say, by the night.

What is so distressing and unacceptable, is that the elected governments’ apathy, incompetency and lack of fortitude have emboldened them to openly confess that they are incapable of solving this egregious problem that is about to destroy us as a people and country.

The problem is indeed solvable! However,  unfortunately we as an electorate have so far in the last two decades, not considered this and other important issues as health care, the development, empowerment and representation of Turks and Caicos Islanders as well as  other such hot button issues relevant when we go to the polls. It is about time that we realize that in governance, we get what we vote for. That is where this quote, “A people get a government they deserve” comes from.

But! I pray we wake up one day, because even now may be too late.



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