
The question of the week



By: Hon. Edwin A. Astwood


Leader/ Opposition


“Our lives are not determined by what happens to us but by how we react to what happens., not by what life brings to us, but by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst, a spark that creates extraordinary results” Anon.

The question of the week, on popular talk shows, was “If elections were to be called today what would be the results? And is the Opposition ready for elections?

This is now the conversation just after One and three-quarter years of a general election. Something must be seriously wrong with the direction this current PNP Government is leading the country. Something must be extremely wrong with the representation the people are receiving from this current PNP Government. Because the people are asking us to be ready now!

Allow me, as Leader of the Peoples Democratic Movement and Opposition Leader to give a clear and precise answer.

The PDM is more than ready to govern the country- In terms of providing leadership and direction to address the current and future problems of our people, strongly addressing the economic and social needs of our people, and aggressively addressing the safety and security of all residents and visitors of our country the Turks & Caicos Islands.

However, in terms of having all 15 candidates chosen by our people, and ratified by the National General Council of the Party, that process is a work in progress.  We will work with our people to throughout the Turks and Caicos on every island and constituency, to select the right candidates to help our people to realize their dreams. If this failing government chooses to call an early election, we can very quickly be ready to win the hearts and minds of our people.

The PDM is further ahead in being prepared for a general election than the PNP, unless they are planning to simply “run it back” with the same Leadership, and the same Constituency, and All Island Representatives, and the same failed policies and plans from their manifesto. If that’s their plan then I will concede that they are more prepared than the PDM. But if that is not the plan, and they have to conduct their leadership race, candidate selection, manifesto preparation, and platforms developed, then I would state that we the PDM are more prepared than the PNP.

If one were to refer to the first page of the current PNP Government’s manifesto “A Citizen’s Contract”, it states, in the second paragraph “We have listened to you. The policies we are proposing will stand the test of time and build our party’s legacy of looking out for our people, financial accountability, economic growth, social responsibility, and environmental preservation.” It goes on to say, “together these policies will bring improved quality of life, prosperity, security, and justice for our people.”

Even if you were living outside the TCI or some twilight zone over the past 18 months, you would know that this current administration has failed on every one of their fundamental outlined points.  They have not only not delivered, but they have made things worse for the majority of our people, with only the Premier’s inner of the inner circle, and some foreign investors benefiting.

The people of the Turks and Caicos are disappointed by this current PNP Government. The country has changed dramatically for the worse in just under two years, the misery index has increased. Many Turks and Caicos Islanders are now living their worse lives. Many more are now leaving to live in the UK or USA, which could not have happened at a worse time for our nation, when we need all of our people, and want more to return home.

Far too many Turks and Islanders see a visionless government and Premier. One who lacks the energy and vitality for another election season, and the vigor to govern the country. We have to ask if that is what the voters want> And what version of the Premier and current leadership of the PNP will we get?

I want to make it abundantly clear; I stand with you the people of my beloved country. I will always put the people’s interest first, and will always fight for our people and our country.

I am putting to you the people to help me and my team select the best cadre of representatives that truly care about our people and our country.

I come with a more powerful vision, purpose and a mission to provide stronger hope for a better future. Together, we will build a pathway which enhances our people’s social, economic, and cultural position nationally, regionally, and internationally.

Together, there is so much we can do to provide a better quality of life for our people. We must now more than ever be one people. I need all our people, PDM’s, PNP’s, independents, non-voters, and others to be a part of this great TCI Movement to be launched.

I remain resolute in my commitment and the PDM’s commitment to rededicate to the foundational ideals and principles that started this movement. I ask the church leaders and pray warriors to join with me and the PDM to pray for the lives of our people especially our young men who we are losing far too tragically and rapidly. Their dreams snuffed out and the potential for them to be a part of our catalyst for a better future for our people and country.

Stand with me and the PDM as we demonstrate our readiness to provide better for our people and the ‘Beautiful By Nature’ Turks and Caicos Islands.


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