#TurksandCaicosIslands – December 22, 2020 – The pace and procedure of financial support to thousands of Turks and Caicos Islands people amidst the catastrophic Covid-19 pandemic has attracted some commendation but mainly it has elicited stinging criticism.
Government last week rushed through the House
of Assembly a measure to grant a Christmas loan of up to one month’s salary to
Civil Servants, while casually accepting that as many as 2,000 people who
applied for stimulus cash were still waiting the promised funds.
The first stimulus payouts began in April,
yet of the 9,000 people who had applied and the 7,165 applications which were
approved, there remains nearly 400 people, eight months later, who have yet to
be paid.
The fact is revealed in the 61-page
Appropriations Committee Report which guided debate on the recent Budget
Families across the country have been
devastated by the pandemic’s walloping effect on travel and tourism. In some households, both mother and father
lost income or experienced a drastic reduction in salary.
Public sector salaries were uninterrupted
during the pandemic, yet the urgency of the government was clear and the
Christmas loan for its workers was fast-tracked.
The same sense of resoluteness was less
tangible in relation to the thousands who have been pining for their stimulus
Taxi and public license drivers still
wait. In a press conference, it was
announced there is a $500,000 allotment to this category of workers. However, until they work out an arrangement
with the National Insurance Board, the free funding is frozen.
From the report: ‘Taxi Drivers Stimulus – The Taxi Drivers
stimulus is still outstanding as the Ministry of Finance is awaiting confirmation
from the Taxi Drivers that they had entered into arrangements with NIB’
In the second round of Economic Stimulus, the
TCI Government offered $600 to Turk and Caicos citizens who were adversely
impacted when the national lockdown and subsequent raft of restrictions were
imposed from March to July.
The deadline for applications was December 9
and 3,129 Belongers applied for the financial help. The Report did not state who, if anyone, had
received the payout.
The Appropriations Committee Report informed
90 percent of the 900 Business applications approved are paid; however it means
90 local companies, months later, are still hanging on in hope for the critical
Also striking in the report is the stated
reduction of $5.5 million in funding to the Economic Stimulus plan. However, the same report informed that the
Committee approved $19.3 million as the new budgeted sum for the stimulus. This
agreed figure falls nearly $12 million below the previously budgeted $25
million dollars for financial support to workers amidst the pandemic.
Meanwhile, the country is apparently swimming
in cash due to, what can only be labelled, a wise savings strategy firmly
guided by British oversight of the once fiscally beleaguered territory.
In the Report presented in the House of
Assembly on December 16, 2020 it is outlined that cumulatively, TCIG has $155
million dollars set aside.
The breakdown is: the National Forfeiture Fund: $6.4 million;
National Wealth Fund: $25.8 million; the Development Fund: $26 million and
Unrestricted Cash: $96.8 million.
While some countries committed to monthly
payments up to a specific number of weeks of stimulus money to people who
suffered lost wages as a result of the unexpected, unprecedented impact of the
coronavirus pandemic, the Turks and Caicos Islands Government opted for a
one-time only payment approach.
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Turks and Caicos, February 8, 2025 – This morning, I received confirmation from the Supervisor of Elections of the official results of the 7 February 2025 General Election of the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Hon. Charles Washington Misick OBE JP, leader of the Progressive National Party, has written to me in line with section 31(2) of the Turks and Caicos Islands Constitution Order 2011, to demonstrate he commands the support of a majority of the elected members of the Parliament.
Accordingly, at a ceremony at the Governor’s Office this afternoon, I appointed Hon. Misick as the Premier of the Turks and Caicos Islands. On his advice and in line with section 31(1)(c) of the Constitution, I appointed Hon. Jamell Rayan Robinson as Deputy Premier of the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Following the ceremony, the Hon. Premier, Deputy Governor, Hon. Deputy Premier and I received a national security briefing from the Commissioner of Police.
May I take this opportunity to thank sincerely the Supervisor of Elections, the Deputy Supervisor of Elections, all election officials and the independent observers for their committed efforts in managing the electoral process.
Instruments of appointment will be published in the Official Gazette.
Turks and Caicos, February 8, 2025 – The Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force acknowledges the sentencing of convicted rapist ELVETHAN “ALVIN” HANDFIELD to life imprisonment following his guilty plea. Handfield was charged with the following offences: Two Counts of RAPE and Two Counts of USING AN OFFENSIVE WEAPON TO CAUSE FEAR.
The Supreme Court delivered the ruling yesterday (February 6), with Handfield, 47, of Glass Shack, Providenciales, being ineligible for parole until he has served 16 years. Should parole be granted, he will be registered as a sex offender for life.
Acting Superintendent Grantley Williams, Head of Serious Crime, Safeguarding, and Public Protection, stated: “Following an extensive investigation by our Safeguarding and Public Protection Unit, Handfield was charged after a report made by a female victim on April 20, 2024. The victim, after entering a jitney driven by Handfield on April 19, 2024, was taken to his residence in Glass Shack, where she was subjected to sexual assault before being released the following day.
“This heinous act of violence, where Handfield posed as a jitney driver, lured, and assaulted the victim while threatening harm, is despicable. The Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force commend the victim’s bravery in coming forward, demonstrating immense courage in ensuring that this predator is brought to justice.
We recognize this is a difficult journey, and our Safeguarding and Public Protection Unit officers remain available to support the healing process.
We take this opportunity to urge any victims of sexual violence to come forward. Your reports are vital in removing dangerous offenders from our streets and ensuring the safety of our communities. Our commitment to justice remains unwavering, and we will continue to work tirelessly to protect and safeguard the communities.”
If you have been a victim or know anyone who has been a victim of sexual assault, please get in touch with the police without delay at the Safeguarding and Public Protection Unit at 232- 6696 or the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) at -338-4013.
All calls will be treated with sensitivity and confidentiality.
Turks and Caicos, February 8, 2025 – When the cheering and dancing and handshakes and high fives were given the attention they rightly deserved, Washington Misick, the resoundingly re-elected premier of the Turks and Caicos Islands turned his attention from the divisiveness of the election trail to a message of solidarity.
“I have lost elections, so I know how difficult it is for you but now it is time to put partisan differences aside and work on behalf of our people,” said Misick, as he spoke pointedly to the Leader of the Opposition from his celebration stage just after midnight on February 8.
“I want to thank our wonderful and loyal supporters. Our campaign team and our candidates who worked hard, long hours, burned the midnight oil to mount this victorious campaign. I wanna thank my beloved wife and our extended families of all of our candidates for all of their support. Tonight’s victory belongs to you.
Because of you we will be able to continue the work of building for our children and our children’s children. I am inviting everyone to be on this journey with us, whether you’ve voted PNP or whether you voted PDM or whether you voted independent. I want you to be on this journey with us,” he said.
The premier, who is now serving a second consecutive term in office and serving for a third time as leader of the Turks and Caicos Islands, was flanked by his winning team and throngs of jubilant supporters assembled at the party’s headquarters in Providenciales.
While the PNP was clearly most able to energize its base, winning many of their seats by spectacular margins, voter turnout in this 2025 General Election was at an historical low. The premier, in his victory speech demonstrated his awareness of that fact and offered an olive branch to those who skipped voting altogether, which would have been over 2,400 people, according to Elections Office statistics.
“And to those Islanders who did not vote for me or the PNP, I hope that our work, policies and programs will earn your support and your blessings. I promise, I will hear your voices, we will hear your voices and I promise that we will be there for you and I will be your Premier too.”
The Washington Misick led team swept the At Large category securing all nine seats, which now also introduces two first time Members of Parliament. Only three seats from the constituency races went unsecured by the PNP; it was a total of 16 seats for the party in yellow.
“On this journey, we must have great success together and we will continue the economic and social transformation together. No journey is without bumps and setbacks, you won’t always agree with the decisions we take but I will always be honest with you about why we make those decisions and the challenges we face.”
“To every islander and every resident, we will work hard everyday on your behalf and we will create the conditions and the opportunities to give all of our people a better quality of life,” he said to vigorous applause, adding, “Let us build together in a single purpose to make our beautiful by nature Turks and Caicos Islands the place where dreams flourish, justice abounds, love is abounding and hope is endless.”
The Premier informed supporters and those watching via social media that work for his new Progressive National Party Administration continues promptly on Monday.