#Providenciales, Turks and Caicos – August 8, 2019 – Registration opens in mere days for the Ministry of Education’s Sixth Form pilot programme at Clement Howell High.
“The Ministry of
Education has approved a Sixth Form Programme at Clement Howell High School.
The Programme spans two years with subjects in Business and Humanities at
the CAPE level which is the CXC Advanced Pre- University Level Programme. The
Programme is also free of cost in terms of tuition and exams as it will be
covered by the Ministry.”
In the twilight of the 2018-2019 Academic Year, the nation learned
of a Sixth Form programme to be started at the Blue Hills located high school
and educators at the school, including its principal Kadean Cunningham are
eager for launch.
The motto is: ‘Creating a climate of Excellence’ and there are
two streams offered to applicants who meet the criteria and are approved for
the Sixth Form this coming September 2019; Business and Humanities.
Business students will be offered Accounting, Entrepreneurship,
Management of Business, Information Technology, Communication Studies and Physical
Humanities students will be offered Environmental Science,
Literature of English, Sociology, Tourism and Food & Nutrition.
Competition for placement in the Sixth Form programme should
be stiff.
Magnetic Media is informed that only 45 students will be
accepted during this inaugural year and the opportunity is open to the entire
country and not limited to past Clement Howell High graduates.
“Applicants for CAPE A Level programme must satisfy the following
requirements. A minimum of six subjects
inclusive of Mathematics and English A at the General Proficiency Level. Compulsory are Math & English – Grade I
or II; Specialist Area – Grade I or II and other subjects – Grade I or II.”
There is a registration fee of $100 and late registration
will attract an additional $50 cost.
Sixth Form hopefuls will need to submit documents like their
graduation diploma; a recommendation from their last school; their birth
certificate or passport photo page; proof of residence status in the Turks and
Caicos Islands and n official copy of their transcript.
Anyone interested can contact Clement Howell High school at
649-941-3411 or by email, clementhowellhigh@tciedu.tc.
Registration forms will be available beginning on August 15,
2019 when the school office reopens.