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Bahamas News

‘Boxes of Smiles’ Initiative Lights up the Season for Children’s Emergency Hostel



#Bahamas, January 15, 2018 – Nassau – Kayley Simon and her classmates packed a whole lot of love into a single shoe box and what started out as an idea to give windsor sixgifts to others less fortunate instead of exchanging with classmates turned into a class project that taught the true meaning of the season.   Kayley, 11, is a sixth grade student at Windsor Preparatory School in western New Providence.   Shortly before the holidays, Kayley wrote to her teacher, Mrs. Courtnee Romer, sharing her excitement about the holidays, telling her she could “hardly wait to see the bright lights and the awesome Christmas trees all beautifully decorated.”

She confessed she was especially excited about opening her presents and then she stole her teacher’s heart with these words: “As we at Windsor prepare to have our Christmas celebrations, I can’t help but think of all those children who are less fortunate than I.   That’s why this year, I would like to share an idea for a Christmas initiative called ‘A Box of Smiles.’   This year, I would like to invite my class to help me give to the children at The Children’s Emergency Hostel.   It would be nice to help put a smile on their faces.   Instead of exchanging gifts, we can use the money ($25-$30) to buy small items that can fit into a box, the size of a shoe box.   Some of the items can be coloring books, boxes of crayons, card games, pencils, pens, erasers, small toys etc.   Each student will decorate and fill their own box personalized for one child at the Hostel.”


She also asked if each student in the class could make a Christmas card with a note to the recipient and include it in the box.   She offered to decorate a drop box and with the teacher’s permission, she would start the collection process.

Kayley presents to asst administrator“All of us have so much to be thankful for and I believe that it would be so beautiful to make this Christmas a very special one for these children,” Kayley wrote and her teacher’s approval was instant.

Over 20 shoe boxes from just about all of her classmates came pouring in along with cards and gifts and on December 18, one week before Kayley would be opening her own presents in a family home with a mother, father and two siblings.   Kayley and her mom delivered the gifts to children who would not be spending that special day of the year like the Simons but would know that someone – many someones – remembered them and cared.   They would know that the season meant love.

Press Release: DPA News


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Bahamas News

Bahamas Agriculture Advancements-Reduces Food Import Reliance



Rashaed Esson

Staff Writer

The Bahamas is on its way to greater national food security and being less dependent on food imports with the Ministry of Agriculture’s container farms, two of them, provided by Eeden Farms.

On its Facebook, the ministry informs that the farms, both 40 feet, are able to produce the equivalent of 5 acres of high quality produce annually, resistant to hurricanes and pesticide free.

A container farm is a 21st century farming method that involves growing plants inside customized storage or shipping containers.


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Bahamas News

The Bahamas’ Prime Minister Philip Davis reiterated climate change concerns for his nation. 



Rashaed Esson

Staff Writer

The Bahamas’ Prime Minister Philip Davis reiterated the threats of climate change to The Bahamas, speaking at a Global Citizen Conference in New York on May 2. He spoke of The Bahamas’ vulnerability as an ocean state, highlighting that more than 85 percent of the landmass is less than 3 meters above sea level and is porous limestone; a huge issue as water is able to seep into the land due to rising sea-levels. He expressed that Bahamians are “Doomed” to become climate refugees.


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Bahamas News

U.S. Bird Flu outbreak to drive Poultry prices up says Super Value owner



Rashsed Esson

Staff Writer 

Bird Flu has been detected in domesticated birds in the US and now reports are saying in the next few months, chicken and turkey will more than likely be off the shelves as a result.

Bahamas supermarket mogul, Rupert Roberts, as owner of Super Value and Quality Supermarkets, is featured in a report by Guardian Business giving a frightening forecast. He fears poultry products will be wiped out.

This he says is scary.

He adds that suppliers are not saying much if anything at all, but are expecting this outcome worldwide.

The bird flu was found in chickens in Texas and Michigan, said media reports which also said one person was infected, as well as other livestock.

In response to the outbreak, the largest egg producer in the US, CalMaine Foods, temporarily stopped egg production in Texas and started executing over 1 million hens and 337 thousand chicks.

Despite this, Roberts reportedly said chicken and turkey supplies are safe for now. The Bahamas imports its turkey from Brazil, which Roberts hopes will grow to become the country’s main supplier.

However, the unfortunate outcome is that poultry prices are set to go up according to Roberts, as the small island nation competes with giant economies like China for poultry products.



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