Bahamas News

Christie questions ‘dirty’ party campaign tricks



Bahamas, May 5th 2017, Bimini:Prime Minister Perry Christie is firing back after phony bank statements, purported to shed light on his daughter – Alexandria Christie’s finances were spread across social media.

The PLP Leader asked, “Who’s paying and who’s sponsoring it?”

Mr. Christie, during a Bimini rally Thursday night called into question the lies he says are being spread in the newspapers and on social media. He asked why allegations were made against his daughter’s name, referring to a report that says a bank account in her name in Bank of America with $22M in it.

A livid Christie, cast blame on “Hubert and Minnis” for the report, telling them they “cannot win an election on lies”.

He went on to sound a warning against what he describes as ‘sewer of lies’ being spread by party propaganda, further questioning who was responsible for paying for the ads and reports heard on the radio, “Turn on your phones, open Facebook, more lies – a flood of them”.

Christie says focus needs to be placed on what you are going to do, rather than the usual ‘old talk’.

The PLP will make its way to Eleuthera tonight and Marsh Harbour, Abaco this weekend in the final leg of mass rallies before May 10th; which is General Election Day.








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