
CTO Ministers’ Panel on “Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in Tourism” 



NEW YORK, NY — The Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) presented an insightful Ministers’ Panel on “Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in Tourism” during Caribbean Week in New York. Moderated by Stacy Cox, CEO of the Turks and Caicos Hotels and Tourism Association (TCHTA), the session explored AI’s transformative potential for Caribbean tourism.

Panelists included Gregg Bishop, Executive Director for Social Justice Funds in New York; Femi Anthony, Solutions Architect and Data Engineer; and Jeanette Moy, Commissioner of the Office of General Services, NY. They discussed how AI can foster a sustainable and inclusive future for Caribbean tourism.

In her opening remarks, Cox highlighted AI as a global game-changer, enhancing travel experiences and destination marketing. She urged the Caribbean to harness AI for sustainability, inclusive growth, and innovation tailored to small island nations.

“AI holds vast possibilities for revolutionizing tourism at every touchpoint,” Cox stated. She cited examples of AI-driven data analytics in Singapore, robot-staffed hotels in Nagasaki, and AI-powered customer service in the United States, emphasizing the need for the Caribbean to adopt similar advancements.

Cox outlined how AI can enhance tourist experiences, from planning to departure, using real-time data to offer personalized recommendations and optimize transportation and accommodation. She also stressed AI’s role in job creation and workforce development, calling for government and educational collaboration to prepare the workforce for an AI-driven future.

Key questions posed by Cox included how AI can support sustainable tourism, local businesses, and environmental monitoring. She emphasized AI’s potential to track and reduce tourism’s carbon footprint and aid in disaster resilience.

“As we move forward, integrating AI into our tourism strategies is not just an option – it is imperative,” Cox declared.

As part of Caribbean Week, TCHTA members Marie McKenzie of Carnival Corporation spoke on “Unlocking the Potential: The Growth of the Cruise Sector and Government Partnerships” and Kashmie Ali of Sailrock South Caicos spoke on “Caribbean Excellence: Shaping Service Standards in the Region,” respectively.

The CTO’s Tourism Week was held in New York at the Intercontinental Hotel, Broadway, from June 17th to 21st.

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