Independent writer

Shaping the Nation’s Future with Youth Empowerment in TCI



#TurksandCaicos, June 18, 2024 – Empowering the youth of Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) is essential to shaping a prosperous future. While experience is valuable, the inclusion of fresh perspectives from younger generations is crucial for addressing current challenges.

As the country experiences rapid development and economic growth, it is imperative that we move beyond self-interest and competition to foster a collaborative and inclusive society.

Historically, our leaders have delved into the past to guide us through present issues. However, the future demands progressive leadership that can envision the bigger picture and integrate innovative solutions.

The economic boom has in many ways, shifted our focus from community to individual gain, resulting in a society that is slowly losing its cohesion.

Amidst this reality, our youth often feel ignored and underrepresented. They possess a wide array of perspectives that differ from previous generations. This makes them a vital demographic in the political landscape.

It is essential for politicians to recognize and engage with this group, respecting their views regardless of their family political affiliations.

The current status quo requires a transformation, fueled by new energy and fresh ideas.

Young people yearn for economic freedom, but with our passive culture, often times they hesitate to discuss the issues openly. They must realize the immense power they hold in shaping the future. Therefore, creating platforms where their voices are heard and valued is crucial.

To bridge the generational divide, political parties must engage in grassroots campaigns to reach this voting block which will resonate with the youth.

The construction of hotels, resorts, and villas must be balanced with the creation of social spaces such as movie theaters, skating rinks, computer rooms etc. These spaces can divert more attention away from social media and foster greater community engagement.

As we approach the upcoming election cycle, there will be a significant influx of young eligible voters. The party that can successfully mobilizes this untapped voter base will likely secure victory.

In conversations with young voters, there is a clear sense of disillusionment with the current political discourse. This disengagement highlights a broader societal failure to instill the importance of civic duty.

The decline in youth engagement and the erosion of our social fabric is a collective failure involving legal, faith, and community institutions. Accountability must begin within these spheres to rebuild trust and engagement.

This generation has the potential to be the movers and shakers of our communities, driving change and making a real difference. Henceforth, we must find a way to amplify their voices that might otherwise go unheard.

Ultimately, the next election’s outcome must ensure that young and talented individuals have a seat at the decision-making table.

Embracing their contributions will not only empower them but also enrich our nation’s future.


Ed Forbes

Concerned Citizen

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