
Governor and Minister attends Labour Tribunal  Annual Training Seminar



Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands – Thursday, 20 June 2024Under the auspices of the President, Labour Tribunal Mrs. Mary D. Quelch Missick Attorney at Law, the staff of the Labour Tribunal, Labour Commissioner Mr. Alpheus Smith, Deputy Labour Commissioner Mr. Kenrick Gardiner and Labour Inspectors attended the yearly training seminar held at the Labour Tribunal Court Room on Friday, 7th June 2024.

The objective of the training was to provide for greater synergy between departments, review aspects of the Employment Ordinance, bring clarity to legal interpretations, expectation and performance and for the adherence to policies and procedures for the smooth transition of cases.

Her Excellency the Governor Dileeni Daniel-Selvaratnam and Honourable Arlington Musgrove, Minister of Immigration and Border Services, were in attendance and brought remarks to the attendees. Her Excellency, in her remarks, pledged her continued support and stated that she values the work carried out by the Labour Tribunal and the Labour Inspectors. She spoke of the important roles of both departments in bringing about relief and a remedy for those persons seeking a right of redress for their employment complaints.

The Honourable Minister, in his remarks, expressed his appreciation for the exercise and spoke of the importance of the work being carried out, ensuring that the employee’s and employers’ rights were being upheld. He encouraged the attendees to continue in their diligence in carrying out their duties to the public and pledged his continued support and for the provision of the resources needed for the invaluable work. He recognised that the employment market has changed dramatically and as the country continue to develop he anticipate there will be a higher number of complaints from the employees with undoubtedly would have an effect on both departments in carrying out their responsibilities in their quest for fairness and justice.

Deputy Permanent Secretary, Mr. Pascal Bacchus was also in attendance and extended greetings to the staff, Members and Labour Inspectors. He spoke about the importance of Conciliation, an exercise that must be facilitated by both parties with a view of settling the case before it reaches the Labour Tribunal for adjudication.

The Labour Commissioner, Mr. Alpheus Smith made presentation on the importance of synergy between the departments as the Employment Ordinance acts as the guide for both departments. In his presentation, he reminded the participants of the importance of working together and pondered on a quotation “can two walk together except they agree?”, he spoke on the importance of open communication and mutual respect in carrying out the mandate of both departments.

Inspectors Dexter Moore and Pernell Dean made a very informative power point presentation on the Role of the Inspectors and expanded on the duties and responsibilities of the Labour Inspectors. Senior Member of the Labour Tribunal Mrs. Arnelle Taylor-Hall, Attorney at Law spoke on the legal aspects and pointed out the importance of following the established guidelines in completing the applicable forms required for a referral to the Labour Tribunal and the importance of adhering to the Six (6) months’ time frame. The role of the Members was explained by Mr. Edward Hall, Senior Member, he encouraged new members in accepting their appointment of membership to be committed to the task ahead.

President of the Tribunal, Mrs. Doreen Missick gave a very informative presentation on all aspects of the Employment Ordinance 2002 (2018) to include Rules and Procedures as it relates to the Labour Tribunal carrying out its responsibilities pursuant to Section 93. The establishment and the powers given by the Ordinance to include that Orders, decisions and awards of the Labour Tribunal shall be enforceable in the Supreme Court as though they were orders or judgements of that court.

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