
Department of Tourism Regulations concludes meetings with TCI Taxi Operators



#TurksandCaicos, June 24, 2024 – The Department of Tourism Regulations (DTR)’s latest project, ‘Rate Your Ride’, aims to ensure quality taxi services across the region.

On Friday, 7 June 2024, Director of the DTR, Avi Adams, made a special appearance at the bustling taxi stand of the newly renamed Howard Hamilton International Airport. In an engaging discussion with the Taxi Association, Adams unveiled exciting upcoming changes with the ‘Rate Your Ride’ Initiative coming on stream. Nikeva Ariza, the Corporate Affairs and Communications Manager at TCI Airports Authority (TCIAA) attended the session. To further ensure top-tier service, the department also convened an exclusive meeting with VIP taxi drivers on 18th June at the Department of Environmental and Coastal Resources building in The Bight, sharing insights and guidance regarding the future of service standards.

During his visit, Director Adams emphasised the importance of collaboration and open communication with all stakeholders involved in the initiative. “Our goal with ‘Rate Your Ride’ is to elevate the overall experience for travellers while ensuring that taxi drivers, who are crucial partners in this endeavour, are fully informed and have their voices heard,” Adams stated. “We believe that by working together, we can create a service that not only meets but exceeds the expectations of our visitors.”

The DTR has made it a priority to engage directly with taxi drivers and other transportation partners throughout the planning and implementation phases of the initiative. This approach is designed to foster a sense of inclusion and cooperation, ensuring that all viewpoints are considered and addressed.

“Listening to the feedback from those on the front lines is essential,” Adams continued. “Our drivers have direct insight and involvement with our guests. By understanding their perspectives and incorporating their insights, we can tailor the Rate Your Ride initiative to better serve both our visitors and our transportation providers.”

These meetings marked a significant step in the journey towards a more connected and responsive transportation service, reinforcing the DTR’s commitment to quality and partnership.

For more information and inquiries, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Department of Tourism Regulations via email at and via telephone: +1(649) 946 4970.

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