
Amendment to the National Physical Development Plan (NPDP) 2020



#TurksandCaicos, June 25, 2024 – The Office of the Deputy Premier and Ministry of Physical Planning and Infrastructure Development wishes to inform the general public of its intention to amend the National Physical Development Plan (NPDP) 2020 in accordance with Section 37 of the Physical Planning Ordinance 2021.

This amendment comes as the ministry has received a number of requested changes during the expressions of interest exercise conducted. The ministry takes the opportunity to acknowledge receipt of all the expressions of interest and invites members of the public to participate in the upcoming consultation for the amendment of those parcels zoning designation.

A draft proposal is available for public review at the Planning Department in Grand Turk and Providenciales. The period of review shall be eight (8) weeks, which will commence on the date of this publication. The public is invited and encouraged to review the proposal and to provide feedback at, or in writing for submission at our Grand Turk or Providenciales offices.

The ministry through the Department of Planning received over two hundred (200) rezoning requests which were tabled as a Phase 1 modification to the NPDP and accepted by Her Excellency the Governor in the Cabinet in keeping with the requirements of Section 34 of the Physical Planning Ordinance 2021.  Following a public review for a period of eight (8) weeks in keeping with the requirements of Section 34 (3) of the Physical Planning Ordinance 2021, a draft report (amendment to the NPDP) will be forwarded to the Physical Planning Board for consideration in accordance with Section 34 (4) of the Physical Planning Ordinance 2021. The Physical Planning Board will forward the Draft report to Her Excellency the Governor along with their recommendation for Cabinet’s final approval in accordance with Section 35(1) of the Physical Planning Ordinance 2021. The Cabinet’s decision and notice of the deposition of the NPDP will then be gazette and the plan shall then be enacted in accordance with Section 36 of the Physical Planning Ordinance 2021.

The overall process will follow the guidelines of Sections 34-37 of the Physical Planning Ordinance.

For further details and guidance on any of the above-mentioned, please do not hesitate to contact the ministry at the Grand Turk Office at  (649) 338-2207, (649) 338-2208  and (649) 338-2209 or the Providenciales Office at (649) 338-4335. Our staff remains committed to working along with the public to maintain a safe built environment and we anticipate your full participation in this matter.

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