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TCI Court

Suzie Turn checkpoint Arrests full of twists and turns



Wilkie Arthur
Freelance Court Correspondent 


#TurksandCaicos, April 20, 2024 – ERROL DALLAVANTY WILLIAMS aka Rooster, a Jamaican living in Five Cays; DAVIAN CLARINCE ROYE, a Jamaican living on Back Road, Blue Hills and a local female AYANNA ASTWOOD of Five Cays, were all the occupants of a small car that was driven by Astwood attempting to drive through the police security check point at SUZIE TURN ROUNDABOUT, on the night of Friday April 5, 2024 when they raised suspicions.

Royal TCI Police say in looking at all three in the vehicle and after closer observation of accused DAVIAN CLARINCE ROYE, “his eyes were blood red” and this is when they decided to conduct a stop and search of the vehicle and the occupants.

Around a quarter pound of weed was found in the vehicle and all three occupants were jointly charged with possession of controlled drugs, namely the cannabis found in the vehicle.

They were all arrested and taken into custody.

Reportedly, an additional very small quantity of suspected cannabis was found on the lone female AYANNA ASTWOOD when her person was searched by a female police officer, later, at the Chalk Sound Police Station. She was charged with that small quantity of marijuana and accepted responsibility by pleading guilty to that charge and not guilty to the weed found in the vehicle.

ERROL DALLAVANTY WILLIAMS pleaded not guilty to the suspected marijuana found in the vehicle, and he pleaded not guilty to the immigration offense of remaining in the islands beyond the permitted time.

DAVIAN CLARINCE ROYE on Thursday April 11, 2024 pleaded guilty to the drug found in the vehicle, taking all the responsibility for all the drugs in the vehicle, and he pleaded guilty to being in the islands illegally and unlawfully.

On Wednesday April 10th, ROYE was first brought before the court under the proceeds of crime Ordinance.

He was found with $950.00 dollars cash on him. Asked, how he got the money by financial crime unit Inspector Paulin Nemours, he said he was fishing as he lived here illegal for some three years.

The then acting DPP Mrs. Angela Brooks told the Chief Magistrate that her office was unable to prove the money was from the sale of drugs, though admission that funds were derived from fishing still makes it illegally obtained because ROYE has no status in the Islands and no fishing licence.

The court after hearing from ROYE’s attorney Mr. Ashwood Forbes did order the Crown’s forfeiture application and the $950.00 was confiscated for the government of the Turks and Caicos Islands.

The prosecution, Ms. Richardson applied to the Hon. Chief Magistrate Mr Jolyon Hatmin to have both Jamaicans remanded to custody pending the conclusion of the case, but female defense attorney Mrs. Leanna Brooks Campbell got up after hearing the Crown’s application for remand submissions and told the court there’s no need to remand Rooster because he’s now married to Mrs. AYANNA ASTWOOD, so he’s not here illegally, and he can not be deported.

She admitted they’re still waiting on certain documentation, but they are a married couple and bail should not be refused.

She also reminded the court that ‘Rooster’ was on bail in another immigration case of unlawful entry months ago, and he has continued to make his court dates.

The learned Chief Magistrate was reminded that, that case only came to end on March 5th, this year.

WILLIAMS was granted $7500.00 baill and the other defendant, DAVIAN CLARINCE ROYE was remanded pending sentencing for the drugs in the vehicle and the unlawful entry charge.

AYANNA ASTWOOD was granted bail in the sum of $2000.00 and all three have to return to court next Friday April 19th, 2024.

The Crown will advise if they intend to withdraw the charges in connection to the illicit drugs found in the vehicle against Rooster Williams and his wife or proceed to a trial against the couple despite ROYE’S guilty plea in an attempt to accept full responsibility for the serious offense.


Orlando Woman leaves TCI, pays $1,500 fine for two bullets found in Luggage



Wilkie Arthur

Eagle Legal



#TurksandCaicos, July 19, 2024 – Thursday, July 11th, 2024, the last of five American tourists arrested in the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) for being in unlawful possession of ammunition was expected to leave the island on Thursday July 11, following her sentencing.

Sharitta Grier, 46 pleaded guilty since June 25, to having two rounds of .38 caliber ammunition in her bag, at the Howard Hamilton International Airport in Providenciales on Monday May 13th, 2024.  Grier was leaving the Turks and Caicos Islands after a surprise gift of a Mother’s Day vacation from her daughters.

Her Ladyship The Hon. Ms. Tanya Lobban-Jackson agreed with senior defense counsel, Ms. Sheena Mair that there were exceptional circumstances in Grier’s case, by this, the Court departed from the mandatory minimum sentence of twelve years imprisonment and ordered a lighter sentence of $1,500.00 or six months imprisonment if the fine was not paid.

The Orlando resident also faced a 23 week suspended sentence of imprisonment.  It is suspended for one year.

Holding for the office of the Director of Public Prosecution via link was Dr. Angela Terry Brooks, deputy director of the DPP’S office.

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(Thursday, July 11th, 2024) Turk and Caicos Islands – The last of five American tourists arrested in the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) for being in unlawful possession of  ammunition could finally leave the TCI today, Thursday, July 11th, 2024.

Sharitta Grier 46 pleaded guilty on 25th June to having two rounds of.38 ammunition in her bags, at the Howard Hamilton International Airport in Providenciales on Monday 13th May, 2024, when leaving the Turks and Caicos Islands after a surprised Mother’s Day vacation trip, from her daughters.

Her Ladyship The Hon. Ms. Tanya Lobban-Jackson agreed with senior defense counsel, Ms. Sheena Mair of F-Chambers that there are exceptional circumstancés in Grier’s case, by this, the court departed from the mandatory minimum sentence of twelve years imprisonment and ordered a lighter sentence of $1500.00 or Six months imprisonment if fine is not paid. She’s also sentenced to 23 weeks imprisonment suspended for one year.

Holding for the office of the Director of Public Prosecution via link was Dr. Angela Terry Brooks, deputy director of the DPP’S office.

The prosecution office did oppose exceptional circumstances and invited the court to impose the mandatory minimum sentence of twelve years imprisonment.

A more detailed court report will follow.

Wilkie Arthur
Court Correspondent
Eagle Legal News Media

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CUT THROAT Bail Arguments in Integrity Commission CORRUPTION cases of John Smith, Kenneth Abrams and Alonzo Malcolm



Wilkie Arthur

Eagle Legal News


#TurksandCaicos, July 5, 2024 – On Tuesday July 2, 2024 JOHN THEODORE SMITH, 63, the first named defendant represented by Mrs. Lara Maroof Misick of Maroof Law firm; KENNETH MARK ABRAMS, 58 the second named defendant represented by Mr Oliver Smith K.C of Baycourt Law firm and ALONZO MALCOLM, 54, the third named defendant, represented by Mr. Khamaal Collymore of Stanbrook Prudhoe Caribbean appeared in the Magistrate’s Court on Old Airport Road, Providenciales after being charged with offenses of Conspiracy, Misconduct in public office and Corruption.

Mr. Oliver Smith, KC being the most senior attorney saw his client, Kenneth Mark Abraham, originally from Guyana arraigned first before Chief Magistrate Mr Jolyon Hatmin.  Abrams is facing five very serious offences linked to his time as an executive member of the Turks and Caicos Islands Airports Authority.

John Theodore Smith, a Turks Islander out of Grand Turk, has the majority of charges; 10 alleged counts of corruption during his tenure as CEO of the Airports Authority.

Another native of Grand Turk, Alonzo Malcolm faces only has one charge, and it is connected to a well-known, alleged criminal Edward Bronson, who has faced the courts on similar type serious financial offenses in the United States of America (USA). It is believed that Bronson is serving time in a US prison.  Bronson, though also facing charges in the Turks and Caicos in this corruption matter, was not present for the arraignment.


The Hon Chief Magistrate asked for Bronson and was informed by Ms. Enjaleek Dickerson, Public Prosecutor that: “He’s overseas your honor.”

Nothing further was said or mentioned about that defendant.


Lara Maroof-Misick told the court that prior to the hearing on July 2, the prosecution has agreed to a bail of $200,000.00 with surety for her client, John Theodore Smith, because he no longer resides in the islands, but lives in Orlando, Florida.  It was offered that he must notify the TCI authorities when traveling, as he travels frequently.

Mrs. Dickerson agreed to this bail condition offer but attempted to go further by placing conditions on Smith’s fixed address or residency abroad.  It was met with Maroof-Misick questioning the Court and the public prosecutor about ‘how can one monitor or supervise an address overseas?’

Ms. Dickerson said “we would like his specific address overseas.”

The Chief Magistrate read the home address of John Smith as recorded on the charges.

Maroof-Misick then said, “his address has been provided your honor, I don’t think she means he has to sleep at that provided address every single night, if he doesn’t wish to. That’s the reason we agreed to such substantial bail, so he could be given his passport and move back to the US where he lives.”

Senior defense counsel Lara Maroof-Misick repeated, there’s no way we could monitor or supervise his residency from here so that cannot be a bail condition.


The court agreed.


Up next was KENNETH MARK ABRAMS whose attorney, Oliver Smith told the court he would ask for $50,000.00 bail for his client and that a mere email be sent when his client wanted to travel.

He said, it’s too burdensome to have to apply and reappear in court each and every time for permission to travel when it could be just an email to the relevant authorities and the court.

The Chief Magistrate agreed to the way of email correspondences for ABRAM’S passport to be released to him when he needs to travel. The Chief Magistrate then invited the Public Prosecutor, Ms. Dickerson to address him on the $50,000.00 bail proposal.

Ms. Dickerson said “no, that’s far too low, it should be no less than $100,000.00.”

Her counter offer was followed by the explanation that 50k does not match the figure on the charges against him.  She said $50K cannot compare to the gravity of the offences against him. She expanded on the seriousness of the allegations and stuck strongly to her submission that the bail should not go below $100k.

Smith, KC, even before Public Prosecutor was complete her submission, interjected and was up on his feet ready with a rebuttal calling the prosecutor’s bail offer and reasoning, “nonsense.”

The Chief Magistrate on more than one occasion had to stop his interruptions of Ms. Dickerson, cautioning him to allow the prosecutor to “finish.”

The KC argued, there is no mandatory minimum on bail amounts. He said, the court cannot grant bail based on the amounts listed or mentioned in the charges, “it doesn’t work like that.”

He moved into what could only be described as cut throat arguments, comparing the amount of charges against John Smith to his client, pointing out that Smith would be leaving the country and so his bail application is set much higher at $200k.

Abrams on the other hand is facing half the charges, with five corruption counts and he is resident within the Turks and Caicos.


The court then fixed the bail at $75,000.00 for KENNETH ABRAMS.


Building on the comparisons drawn by attorney Oliver Smith, defence counsel for ALONZO MALCOLM, Mr. Khamaal Collymore laid out a bail argument which was cutting both co-defendants’ throats.

He compared his client’s sole count to the five and the ten counts of alleged crime against ABRAMS and SMITH respectively.

Collymore said his client should be far less than all, as he only has one charge and proposed that his client not be made to surrender his travel documents as his client may be scheduled to travel for surgery.

The lawyer for Malcolm offered that his client could notify the court of dates for travel, but it is critical that his client have his passport in order to be able to leave once called upon for the medical travel.

Ms. Dickerson disagreed and so did the Chief Magistrate.

Bail for MALCOLM was set at $50k and his passport would have to be requested, by email, when a date for travel is determined.

All three matters – which were brought following investigations by the TCI Integrity Commission – are now adjourned to an October 4th, sufficiency hearing.

It is expected that three others will be charged in relation to this investigation, named in court were:. #1. ROBERT KOENIG #2. CARLTON HIGGS  and #3. EDWARD BRONSON.

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