Wilkie Arthur
Freelance Court Reporter
#TurksandCaicos, January 19, 2024 – It’s was so disturbing and disheartening to hear the troubling details surrounding the alleged sexual violation of a minor at the hands of a 65-year old man, whom the five year old victim calls, “Grand Pa.”
In the Magistrate’s court on Tuesday January 9, 2024, details of one of the vilest cases any sound thinking court reporter could have listened to were exposed and involved a Haitian man and Turks and Caicos passport holder who lived in the community of Dock Yard in Kew Town, Providenciales.
The man is MAURICEAU ALEXIS, whom senior Crown public prosecutor Ms. Tassja Mitchell told the court that the 65 year old man allegedly put his hands in the little girl’s panties and stuck his finger(s) in her vagina; it cause immediate bleeding of the little girl who according to the case file, first reported it to her seven year-old sister.
Adults then quickly got involved, called the Police and the old man was arrested.
The five year old child was taken to hospital where doctors found evidence of sexual interferences.
This incident alleged to have his happened just as the New Year rolled in on Wednesday, 03rd January, 2024.
There was a passionate presentation on why the old man should not be granted bail.
The learned, Chief Magistrate (CM) Mr. Jolyon Hatmin was told that this ‘nasty grandpa’ is considered to be a flight risk, even if his passport is taken away and kept by the court or police authorities.
The Senior Crown Counsel explained to the Hon. CM, that his wife and children still live in Haiti. She further explained to the court in her forceful submissions that, if released on bail, he can interfere with the witnesses in this case, including the child, as they all live in the same apartment complex.
When the charge was read to the man, the learned CM by law had to put the election of the court for the matter to the accused given the fact that the charge was an ‘either way’ offense; which means the case can be tried in either the Magistrate’s court or in the Supreme Court.
However, having explained the difference of both courts by the CM, the accused on the advice of his senior defense attorney, Mr. Finbar Grant chose to be tried in the Magistrate’s court.
The learned public senior prosecutor objected as the crown’s position is that this matter should be tried in the Supreme Court where the sentencing powers of the court are far greater, if this man is convicted.
Mr. Hatmin, upon application of the Crown and Mr. Grant agreed, adjourned the matter to Friday January 12th to hear full arguments from both sides where he would then rule on whether the matter goes to the lower or higher court.
Mariceau Alexis was kept on remand until the Friday, after which the CM was left to decide if to release him on bail or continue his remand.
The CM, upon the request of the Crown, did agree with Ms. Mitchell that if the court is going to release this man on bail against her objections, can the court take away his travel documents and order his removal from living in the same area as the minor child.
The young victim and her sister call the old man “grandpa”, even though he is not their grandfather, according to prosecutor Ms. Mitchell.
Mariceau Alexis will have his Sufficiency Hearing in the Supreme Court and bail for the defendant has been refused.