Deandrea Hamilton
#TurksandCaicos, June 5, 2023 – We made Mr. Wilkie Arthur an offer which would help our company to bring regular coverage to the Courts of the Turks and Caicos Islands and we are so honoured that he accepted to do the work.
Regular updates and reporting on the happenings within the judiciary has long been lacking at Magnetic Media. What happened once arrests were made and individuals who were accused of violating our constitutional rights by breaking the laws of the land had become a mystery, with updates spotty, at best.
There is a human resource crisis in the Turks and Caicos Islands and Magnetic Media has had to be very creative in order to meet the news needs of the general public.
Our latest bold move involves a man with a notorious past in these islands. He is also a man who is incredibly talented, uniquely brilliant and we believe he is committed and ready to establish himself with a new reputation, with a new brand, if you will.
Wilkie Arthur is now a freelance court reporter for Magnetic Media.
For anyone who knows of the variety of gifts and talents of Mr. Arthur, our offer to him just made sense. Prior to his time now served at His Majesty’s Prison in Grand Turk, Wilkie demonstrated a keen knowledge of the court system
and an uncommon understanding of the law.
He did break that law and he did serve his time. It’s his past and it cost him dearly, separation from the things and ones he loved for a staggering ten years.
Now that he has done what the law required of him to do and spent his days and nights from March 2013 to April 2023 cut off from a free existence, we have opted to welcome him home.
Magnetic Media has decided to embrace Wilkie Arthur for the person that he is and for the potential he, and every human being holds.
This is not a charity situation. This is good, sensible and responsible – enabled by our complete understanding and appreciation of how God’s grace and mercy works for every man, woman and child.
Wilkie Arthur has already been before a judge and jury. He has already been sentenced and served. He is now free and ready to be part of a dramatically different Turks and Caicos. And we are happy to open a door to his re-integration to society, in a way that allows him dignity and sets him up for a notable, necessary career.
As a freelancer, he can provide court news to other media houses both near and far. As a freelancer, he sets his hours and that means he can take on other types of work. And with his name attached to every news report, you begin to know Wilkie Arthur for something other than his past.
As the CEO of Magnetic Media, I can report that two weeks into this, we are so very pleased with the caliber of his work being filed by Mr. Arthur.
We see that many readers agree and are ‘loving’ that Wilkie is working in an area that is his gift and smashing it!
Who knows, one day you might be listening to a Magnetic Media newscast and actually hear Mr. Arthur delivering a new story since he also possess a quality voice for broadcast.
Wilkie Arthur could have said ‘no’ when I asked him to join on, to help me bring more depth and width to our news reporting; but he said ‘yes’ and our Magnetic Media team is thrilled to have him on board.