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Mothers serving in the Defence Force Mother’s Day Special Feature Lieutenant Natasha Woods



Story by Petty Officer Monique Deveaux

Defence Headquarters,(RBDF), May 10, 2021 –  Lieutenant Natasha Woods is a strong and resilient officer within the Royal Bahamas Defence Force. She possesses the qualities of diligence, openness, and flexibility, which is indicative of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force’s organizational pillar- agility. With youth on her side, she stands fortified with strength, stamina, and endurance to take the future generation of marines to the next level in their careers. A crusader in the crest of good, she would continue to fight with the last breath within her.

This officer is not easily moved, she withstands the pressure of life like a sturdy rubber band. She knows how to be stretched above and beyond and yet is still able to maintain her composure as an individual. Her dedication, commitment, and willing spirit are on display daily, as she constantly works in the background on many event-planning boards and committees, ensuring the success of RBDF functions. Woods is a goal-driven individual who is aware of her potential, capabilities, and abilities. She is always ready to commit one hundred percent to a task. As a woman and mother, she believes that anything is possible if one puts their mind and heart into whatever one desires to master. Woods describes herself as affectionate, but does not take her kindness for weakness. This officer understands the difference between kindness and a doormat. She is a very outspoken person.

Lieutenant Parents

Woods, who is a musically inclined, plays the Alto Saxophone, as well as other instruments. She was a member of her high school band under the leadership of Mr. Yonel Justilien as one of the lead saxophonists. She loves to sing and can often be found listening to the song “Victory”, by Yolanda Adams, her favorite artist. Somehow, the beat and lyrics of this song are uplifting to her when she feels overwhelmed or sad. She also enjoys spending time with friends; a basic grill and chills at the poolside. Given the nature of her job, she may be required for detachment and/or deployment. Being away from home a lot has turned her into a individual that brings people together, like her friends and family. Because Woods is at oftentimes required to be away from home, she misses her family and friends, so she therefore is apt to arrange a little “R & R” to bring them together.

Like many of her generation, Woods is an expert at multitasking. What many people don’t know about her is that she is artistic. At least once a month she can be found working on an art piece, using materials from trees and materials around the yard to build the art pieces that she either displays in her home or gives to a friend. Her love for interior decorating keeps her busy at home rearranging furniture adding little here and there. When not spending time with friends, she is often by herself figuring crossword puzzles or in the company of her children. She is a single parent, of two girls, and one boy; Timoya Walton 14, T’Asia Walton 8, and Lester Simmons III 2 years old.

Her reason for enlisting in the Defence Force is a result of her older sibling, Leading Mechanic Denver Woods. Leading Mechanic Woods would often brag to his family after coming home from sailing about the different people he would meet, and the various islands he had the opportunity to visit. She thought about all the excitement her brother brought with him, and said to herself, “Hey I want to do that too!” She wanted to go on boats, sail, meet people, and go to different islands, an experience some individuals cannot share. She wanted to feel that experience, so she filled out the application and sent it in. Most importantly, she wanted to follow in her big brother’s footsteps, which was her reason and inspiration for joining the Force.

Being musically was a plus to be selected as a recruit. At the time she enlisted, the Defence Force Band under the leadership of Lieutenant Commander Bertram Bowleg was in the process of extending the band’s complement. After joining the Force as a member of new entry 46/woman entry 16, she has had the privilege to work in numerous essentials departments. She was first drafted as a marine into the Administration Department/subsection Band. As she blossomed into that consummate marine, the bandmaster encouraged her to excel higher by applying for the young officer’s course. She was successful and was selected to attend the Britannia Royal Naval College, Dartmouth, England. 

After successfully completing the course, she was transferred from a rating to the officer corps. Woods has since served onboard HMBS Bahamas and has filled in on numerous ships whilst serving in the Squadron Department, including a tour of duty onboard HMBS Durward Knowles. Along with playing an instrumental role over the years with the RBDF Annual Summer Camp Program, she has also served in the Administration Department as Wardroom Manager on two consecutive occasions. She is currently part of the Supply Department, and as such she has held the billet of Acting Assisting Base Supply Officer, a position she is now confirmed in, and she also holds the post of the Exchange Officer. She was awarded the Commander Defence Force Commendation Award for her efforts and contribution to the Supply Department.

Lieutenant Family

Woods’ journey in the pursuit of excellence began when she enrolled at The College of Bahamas as a Biochemistry Major. After aspiring to become a Forensic Scientist, her goal of completing her schooling was put on hold as she embraced motherhood. Even after joining the Force, Woods has always felt a nudging feeling deep down within her to complete her degree. Many years before joining the Force, it had always been a goal of hers that she had written as one of the things she wanted to accomplish. After unsuccessfully obtaining study leave, she was however, determined to complete her degree. During that period in her career, she was assigned as Operations Officer onboard HMBS Durward Knowles. She nevertheless, went and applied to the College of The Bahamas in pursuit of an Accounting Degree, and was accepted into the program.

In her pursuit, she is reminded of the words of Mark Twain, “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” This is how she felt, and she was lucky enough to be working under great leaders at that time, who all supported her dreams and aspiration as a young officer. They inspired her to become great and stood with her as she took on a full slate of classes. It was difficult! Some semesters she took six to seven classes to complete her degree within four years. She would at oft times take a vacation when she had major exams, to ensure that she passed. She was determined and not prepared to re-take any course. Her motto was “Get there, get it and get out!” She achieved her goals through hard work. She used cue cards, studied literature online, completed pop quizzes and practiced with past exams, all in an effort to make the mark. Obtaining her degree was not all smooth sailing, because she had obstacles and bumps in the road. However, she kept pushing and today, she has completed her degree in Business Administration in Accounting at the now renamed University of The Bahamas. Although she didn’t achieve a Forensic Scientist status, she still keeps the option of becoming a Forensic Accountant.

When asked who she holds as a role model, Woods replies: “My role models are my parents.” They were the glue of the family. Her parents had four children. They would ensure that the children were well maintained, educated, and provided for. They gave their children the discipline needed to become productive members of society. Her parents didn’t believe in youngsters being wayward children. Her mother was the caretaker of the home and her dad worked long hours, but remained the disciplinarian. As a mother, she wants to instill some of the teachings she learned from her mom and dad into her children. She believes that it is the parent’s responsibility to groom the child/children as it should be. 

Woods says her superhero is Superwoman because she is a female and a strong icon in society. Despite being strong, she has her weaknesses and the welfare of people in society is her passion. However, with Superwoman, she can strike the balance with family and friends. Superwoman has a never-ending crusade to rid society of evil and wickedness for the betterment of the general public. “She’s my superhero because she reminds me of myself,” Woods says. “I want to follow in Superwoman’s footsteps as a woman knowing that it is okay to be strong. Nevertheless, it is equally important to embrace one’s weakness in the effort to turn that weakness into a strength that benefits oneself, advances one’s career, families and nurturing one’s relationship with others. As an officer of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force, my goal is to always look out for the welfare of those entrusted to me, as well as the greater force.” 

Woods recounts her journey thus far on the Royal Bahamas Defence Force and says the highlight of her career would be a combination of a list of works that she has been engaged in in the past five (5) years. She has been involved in writing letters to organizations and businesses within the Bahamas requesting discounts to military personnel with the presentation of a valid Defence Force Identification Card (ID). Like other Militaries and Coast Guard personnel around the world, members of the Defence Force now have this opportunity. She gives thanks to the Commander Defence Force who allowed her to succeed in this venture.

Woods concludes by sharing her outlook on the idea of beauty. “Beauty, I believe as a strong military person, and mother are not found in the clothes that we may wear from time to time, nor is it our shapes that we have, though they may be appealing to others. Beauty is reflected in our innermost souls. It is in the practical things in life that most people take for granted. Thinking about it, beauty is showing compassion and caring for others. It teaches our children the value of being a brother’s keeper. Beauty, this Mother’s Day is passing on the legacy of family values and traditions. It is knowing that it takes a village concept to raise one’s child. As a military mother in the Royal Bahamas Defence Force, I will say, let’s continue to build that village in which our children can feel safe and be nurtured as we guard our heritage this Mother’s Day.”

Message to My Children this Mother’s Day.

 On this Mother’s Day, my little darlings, I want you to know mommy loves you and appreciate you. You are the reason that I keep going strong. The fact that I know you are there gives me the energy to propel forward and keep working. I want you to know, I’m working for your success, not mine. I am working to ensure that you are well taken care of and can fulfill the dreams you wish to pursue with mama’s aid. I want you to know that you may not see me all the time, but I am here for you. I’ve got your back and most of all, I love you no matter what!

(For further information please contact the RBDF Public Relations Department or visit our website:, follow us on Facebook, Twitter and view our Youtube channel)





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UN Sec-Gen has special Message on Nelson Mandela Day



Nelson Mandela showed us the extraordinary difference one person can make in building a better world.

And as the theme of this year’s Nelson Mandela International Day reminds us – combatting poverty and inequality is in our hands.

Our world is unequal and divided.

Hunger and poverty are rife.

The richest one per cent are responsible for the same quantity of planet-wrecking greenhouse gases as two-thirds of humanity.

These are not natural facts. They are the result of humanity’s choices. And we can decide to do things differently.

We can choose to eradicate poverty.

We can choose to end inequality.

We can choose to transform the international economic and financial system in the name of equity.

We can choose to fight racism, respect human rights, combat climate change, and create a world that works for all humanity.

Every one of us can contribute – through actions large and small.

I join the Nelson Mandela Foundation in urging everyone to perform 67 minutes of public service on Nelson Mandela International Day – one minute for each year he fought for justice.

Together, let’s honour Madiba’s legacy and turn our hands towards building a better world for all.

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AfriCaribbean Trade and Investment Forum (ACTIF2024) set to strengthen Africa-CARICOM linkages  



Speakers at ACTIF will include global superstars Viola Davis, Serena Williams, Didier Drogba and African and CARICOM Heads of States


Nassau, Bridgetown, Georgetown, May 28, 2024 – Excitement mounts as The Bahamas prepares to host the Afreximbank Annual Meetings (AAM) and the AfriCaribbean Trade and Investment Forum (ACTIF) from 12 – 14 June 2024 in The Bahamas. Themed “Owning Our Destiny: Economic Prosperity on the Platform of Global Africa,” ACTIF2024 is set to forge significant pathways for economic prosperity between Africa and the Caribbean.

Other distinguished speakers will include Heads of State from seven CARICOM countries, former Prime Ministers, Ministers of Trade, Economic Development and Finance, Dr. Roger W Ferguson, Former Vice Chair of the Federal Reserve, USA, Prof. Andreas Klasen, Professor of International Business and Director of the Institute for Trade and Innovation at Offenburg, and many more.

Professor Benedict Oramah, President and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Afreximbank, said: “We are witnessing shifts in the global economic landscape and the trade strategies of major economies, making it imperative for African and Caribbean nations to unite for mutual prosperity. The Afreximbank Annual Meetings and AfriCaribbean Trade and Investment Forum in The Bahamas will serve as a strategic platform to enhance our economic bonds. These events indicate a vibrant assertion of our shared destiny. We are poised to harness the dynamic economic growth within our regions, enhancing our collective resilience and prosperity.”

The event promises to be a pivotal platform for high-level discussions on economic development and regional integration.

Building on the successes of the inaugural AfriCaribbean Trade and Investment Forum held in Barbados in 2022 and the gathering last year in Guyana, this year’s Forum in The Bahamas will further elevate and expand upon the discussions and initiatives previously set in motion. ACTIF2023, which focused on strengthening economic bonds and creating new investment opportunities, sets a precedent for meaningful collaboration between Africa and the CARICOM nations.

Afreximbank invites industry leaders, trade organisations and other stakeholders in the CARICOM region to participate and attend.

Registration is now open at

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International Community must address conflict between Israel and Iran



Garfield Ekon

Staff Writer

With tensions between Israel and Iran at an all-time high, a United Nations affiliated group is urging for calm and dialogue as their violent actions can cause tragic devastation on innocent civilians.

According to Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL), an organisation that is dedicated to promoting peace through civilian-led initiatives, “it is a clear indication that the greatest victims of war are innocent civilians. 

How could those lost lives ever be brought back? What could compensate for the outcry of children and the anguish of the youth in devastated dwellings?,” the group noted in a media statement, adding that  the international community should  take “decisive measures” to address the conflict.

It is also advocating for the establishment of “comprehensive international laws” to safeguard peace for future generations. “HWPL remains steadfast in its commitment to fostering dialogue and reconciliation, offering hope for a peaceful resolution to the conflict between Israel and Iran,” the group said.

HWPL is a non-profit organisation, with a mission to promoting peace through education, and advocacy. It has a global network spanning over 170 countries. The organisation works to build bridges of understanding and cooperation, striving towards a world free from conflict and violence.

According to reports in various international media outlets, Iran and its militant partners on April 13 initiated a large-scale attack against Israel through launching several hundred ballistic missiles and drones. The international society expressed concerns over the possibility of war between the two states, since Tehran’s direct attack on Israel was unprecedented.

Experts have pointed out that the attack on Israel was Iran’s response to an airstrike on the Iranian embassy in Syria on April 1, which killed seven military advisers including three senior commanders.

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