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Tourism Start Up focus on Innovation and Sustainability say UNWTO



All Regions, January 17, 2020 — The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), in association with Globalia, the leading tourism group in Spain and Latin America, has selected the finalists of the 2nd Global Tourism Startup Competition, an initiative that the two entities have been working on since 2018 when its first edition was held.

In the competition’s first two editions, Wakalua, the global tourism innovation hub powered by Globalia, in collaboration with the World Tourism Organization, has received proposals of nearly 5,000 startups from 150 countries. The countries with the highest number of projects submitted have been Spain, followed by India, the United States, Portugal, Nigeria and Colombia.


The second edition features startups in a more mature stage, with 10% having had more than EUR 500,000 in turnover in 2018. The finalists will present their projects at the Wakalua headquarters in Madrid. Seven will win awards in their respective categories.

Building on the success of the inaugural competition, this new edition continues to identify new companies that will lead the sector’s transformation. The aim and common denominator is to achieve a sustainable and profitable future through technology and innovation. This initiative is supported by partners such as Turismo de Portugal, Telefónica, Amadeus, Intu Costa del Sol, IE Africa Center and Distrito Digital Valencia, among others.

These partners will participate actively in the final decision and in the subsequent promotion, financing rounds and implementation of the pilot projects with the winners:

This annual competition is one of the flagship projects of Wakalua, the tourism innovation hub powered by Globalia in collaboration with the World Tourism Organization. Wakalua will host the winning startups for further development, providing support in order to establish links with leading companies in the sector. Innovation consulting firm Barrabé is also a partner making this project possible.

Deep Tech, rethinking location and geolocation: With the backing of Amadeus, the aim in this category is to select the best startup that simplifies trips for customers or suppliers using location systems. Solutions that combine location data with artificial intelligence can be used to identify tourism regions, associate them with nearby airports, optimize, and offer opinion mining, among others.

Smart Mobility: In partnership with Telefónica, this category features projects that improve the quality of travel and that facilitate the mobility of users using any transport system. The objective is to reduce economic, environmental and time costs.


Smart Destinations: With the collaboration of Distrito Digital Valencia, solutions will be identified to improve the sustainability and profitability of destinations from the economic, environmental and socio-cultural perspectives by leveraging technology to help foster innovation and accessibility in an increasingly globalized world.

Disruptive Hospitality: Intu Costa del Sol will analyse companies that contribute to optimizing the total experience of travellers by combining the best solutions in the world of retail, shopping centres, food, leisure and hotels, so that, through personalized services and digital connectivity, every trip can be as efficient and effective as possible.

Rural Development: Globalia will place special emphasis on rural areas with the objective of transferring knowledge and innovation, and improving their viability and competitiveness.With the overall objective of promoting a shift towards an increasingly low-carbon economy, this category also seeks out companies devoted to risk management and animal welfare, as well as the restoration, preservation and improvement of ecosystems.

Innovative tourism solutions: Turismo de Portugal will present an award for the best innovation project outside the above categories.

Special award for sustainability: In addition, the UNWTO and Globalia will present a special sustainability award with the aim of giving more visibility to projects that are committed to more efficient and sustainable tourism.


Lastly, the IE Africa Center will recognize 2 projects in terms of social impact in Africa, awarding them with the Social Innovation Retreat scholarshipSun Cycles Namibia and Enjoy Agriculture Senegal, presenting their initiatives. The winner of the Travel Tech 4 Good accelerator, in collaboration with the Tui Care Foundation and Enpact,  Halla Travel, will also present its startup.

Finalists by category:

Deep Tech:
Klustera (Mexico)
TravelX (India/USA)

Smart Mobility:
Eccocar (Spain)
Zeleros (Spain)

Smart Destinations:
Road.Travel (Russia)
Visualfy (Spain)

Disruptive Hospitality:
Hackpacking (Peru)
Questo (Romania)

Rural development:
i-likelocal  (Netherlands)
Rutopia  (Mexico)

Innovative tourism solutions:
HiJiffy  (Portugal)
LUGGit (Portugal)                 

Adventure Junky (Australia)
La Voyageuse (France)
Live Electric Tours (Portugal)
Pikala (Morocco)

Press Release, UN World Tourism Organization, January 10, 2020

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What the new UK Prime Minister had to say about the Rwanda Deportation Plan at his first press conference



Garfield Ekon

Staff Writer



#UnitedKingdom, July 19, 2024 – With the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (UK), Keir Starmer declaring the Rwanda deportation plan as “gimmick,” and “was dead and buried before it started,” the East African country has responded tersely.

In his first news conference on Saturday, the new PM said the controversial policy will be scrapped, as “it was never acted as a deterrent.  Almost the opposite,” to migrants from risking their lives on the high seas.

The Rwanda deportation plan once was designed by the previous Conservative Government and billed as a solution that would deter migrants. In a statement late Monday, the office of the Rwandan Government spokesman said the deal had been initiated by the UK “to address the crisis of irregular migration affecting the UK, a problem of the UK, not Rwanda,” the statement said.

For years, the UK Government has been struggling to stem the flow of migrants arriving across the English Channel. It has already given the Rwandan Government hundreds of millions of pounds to set up accommodation, and hire extra officials to process the asylum seeks, money it cannot recover.

PM Starmer said his administration will create a Border Security Command that would bring together staff from the police, the domestic intelligence agency, and prosecutors to work with international agencies, and stop people smuggling.

Suella Braverman, a Conservative hard liner on immigration who is a possible contender to replace the former Conservative Leader, has blasted Starmer’s plan to end Rwandan deal.

“Years of hard work, acts of Parliament, millions of pounds been spent on a scheme which had it been delivered properly would have worked,” she said, adding that there are “big problems” on the horizon which will be, “I’m afraid, caused by Keir Starmer.”

Chief Executive Officer of Freedom from Torture, Sonya Sceats, one of the many organisations and charities which have campaigned to stop the Rwandan plan, has welcomed the decision to “close the doors on this shameful scheme, that played politics with the lives of people fleeing torture and prosecution,” she said.

Supporters of the plan said it would have smashed the model of people traffickers, while critics have argued that the Rwandan policy was immoral and would never work. Last November, the UP Supreme Court declared the policy as unlawful, as Rwanda could not be considered a safe third country.

The legality of the deal was also being challenged by charities and unions in the court.

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UN Chief calls for greater Commitment to SDGs, only 17% on track



Garfield Ekon

Staff Writer


#TurksandCaicos, July 19, 2024 – Countries across the globe are being called on by United Nations (UN) Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, to “double down” their efforts to achieve the 17 Sustainable Goals (SDGs) and set the world on a more sustainable path by 2030.

The UN Chief said failure to secure peace, and to confront Climate Change, and to boost international finance is “undermining development,” and the countries must “accelerate action” for the SDGs, and “we don’t have a moment to lose.

“Only 17% of the SDG targets are on track, and we need to go further and faster in three areas simultaneously. We must not let up on our promise to end poverty, protect the planet and leave no one behind,” he told a recent press briefing to present the SDGs 2024 Report.

Noting that the Report shows that the world is getting a “failing grade,” Mr. Guterres underscored that progress on over one third has stalled, or even regressed, and in a world of “unprecedented wealth” knowledge and technologies, the denial of basic needs for so many is “outrageous and inexcusable.

“At the same time, we have what it takes to breakthrough to a better future, and the Report carries some glimmers of hope.

A few examples, girls in most regions are now achieving parity with boys in education.  Many women are breaking more glass ceilings in politics, in business and beyond.  Internet access is up.  HIV infections are down.  New malaria vaccines are being rolled out that could save millions of lives,” he reported.

The Secretary-General also highlighted that renewables are booming, and already make up 30 per cent of the world’s electricity supply. The speed and scale of the change needed for sustainable development is still far too slow, he said, and the examples “I gave, prove that it is possible, but we need to go further and faster in three areas simultaneously.

“We need action for peace.  From Gaza to Sudan, Ukraine and beyond, it is time to silence the guns, to support the displaced, and to pivot from spending on destruction and war to investing in people and peace.  Second, we need action on the green and digital transitions,” he said.

Making an impassion plea for countries to put forward ambitious national Climate action plans in 2025, that align with the 1.5°C limit, cover the whole economy and double as investment plans, he said a “surge in investment” in expanding access to digital connectivity and the benefits of the digital economy, is needed, and  countries should make these transitions “inclusive and fully aligned” with broader efforts to achieve gender equality.

“We need action on finance.  Many developing countries lack the financial resources and the fiscal space to invest in their futures and the future of their people. We must step up efforts to deliver the SDG Stimulus.  That means doing much more to reduce debt pressures and debt servicing costs.  It means expanding access to contingency financing for countries at risk of a cash flow crisis,” the UN Chief said.

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First remarks of New UK Prime Minister, Keir Starmer of the Labour Party; Wins 412 seats in Landslide Victory



#UnitedKingdom, July 5, 2024


“I have just returned from Buckingham Palace… Where I accepted an invitation from His Majesty the King…

To form the next government of this great nation.  I want to thank the outgoing Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak.

His achievement as the first British Asian Prime Minister of our country… The extra effort that will have required…  Should not be underestimated by anyone.

We pay tribute to that today… And we also recognise the dedication and hard work he brought to his leadership.

But now our country has voted, decisively… For change.  For national renewal. And a return of politics to public service. When the gap between the sacrifices made by people…

And the service they receive from politicians…Grows this big.

It leads to a weariness in the heart of a nation.

A draining away of the hope, the spirit, the belief in a better future… That we need to move forward, together.

Now, this wound…This lack of trust…

Can only be healed by actions not words… I know that.

But we can make a start today… With the simple acknowledgment…

That public service is a privilege.

And that your government should treat every single person in this country… With respect.

If you voted for Labour yesterday… We will carry the responsibility of your trust, as we rebuild our country.

But whether you voted Labour or not… In fact – especially if you did not…

I say to you, directly…My government will serve you.

Politics can be a force for good – we will show that.

And that is how we will govern.

Country first, party second.

Yet, if I’m honest… Service is merely a pre-condition for hope.

And it is surely clear to everyone… That our country needs a bigger reset…

A rediscovery of who we are.

Because no matter how fierce the storms of history… One of the great strengths of this nation…Has always been our ability to navigate a way through to calmer waters.

And yet this depends upon politicians… Particularly those who stand for stability and moderation – as I do… Recognising when we must change course.

For too long now… We have turned a blind eye as millions slid into greater insecurity.

Nurses, builders, drivers, carers… People doing the right thing

Working harder than ever… Recognised – at moments like this, before.

Yet as soon as the cameras stop rolling… Their lives are ignored.

I want to say very clearly to those people – not this time.

Changing a country is not like flicking a switch… And the world is now a more volatile place.

This will take a while.

But have no doubt that the work of change begins – immediately.

Have no doubt – that we will rebuild Britain… With wealth created in every community.

Our NHS back on its feet, facing the future. Secure borders…Safer streets… Everyone treated with dignity and respect at work.

The opportunity of clean British power…Cutting your energy bills for good.

And, brick by brick… We will rebuild the infrastructure of opportunity…

The world class schools and colleges…The affordable homes that I know… Are the ingredients of hope for working people…

The security that working class families like mine… Could build their lives around.

Because if I asked you, now… Whether you believe that Britain will be better for your children… I know – too many of you would say: no.

And so my government will fight, every day… Until you believe again.

From now on… You have a government unburdened by doctrine… Guided only by a determination to serve your interests…To defy, quietly…

Those who have written our country off.

You have given us a clear mandate… And we will use it to deliver change… To restore service and respect to politics… End the era of noisy performance…

Tread more lightly on your lives… And unite our country.

Four nations… Standing together again… Facing down, as we have so often in our past…

The challenges of an insecure world…Committed – to a calm and patient rebuilding.

So with respect and humility… I invite you all… To join this government of service…

In the mission of national renewal. Our work is urgent…

And we begin it today.

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