TCI News

TCI: Rotary Park Swing Assembly & Fun-Day



#TurksandCaicos, March 23, 2018 – Providenciales – Play matters for all;  Kids are missing out on the childhood they deserve. Play is disappearing at home, at school and in communities. For ​some ​kids in our communities, play is too hard to come by as their families face many obstacles to play; from a lack of safe places, under-resources,​ schools that cut physical education, and too much screen time.

Spearheaded by The Rotary Club of Providenciales Projects Committee; Rotarians

ca​me together to ​assemble a swing set at the Rotary Park (next to Bay Bistro), Grace Bay on Sunday, March 18th – in just one day – resulting in kids feeling valued.  The Rotary ​park will​ generate a tangible, achievable win for ​the ​community​.




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