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Deputy Premier’s Budget Address



Turks and Caicos, April 20, 2017 – Providenciales – Good evening Mr. Speaker, Hon Premier, the Hon Leader of the Opposition and other members of this honourable House. Listeners in the gallery and to residents and Turks and Caicos Islanders everywhere.  As always a special good evening to my people of Five Cays.

Mr. Speaker, I rise to give my contribution to the debate on this historic occasion, Budget Appropriation Estimates for the financial year 2017-2018.

Mr. Speaker, it is indeed an occasion to be remembered, as I stand in salute to our Premier and the Minister of Finance, Investment and Trade, who has proven that with an earnest effort, an unwavering dedication, a profound interest in the lives of our people, and a determination to improve the state of our economy, that a Turks and Caicos Islands Government can and has, prepared a budget in less than three months after being elected to office. And Mr. Speaker, for the very first time since the return to elected governance, the Turks and Caicos Islands budget, the people’s budget, did not require UK approval. Mr. Speaker, change is here!

Mr. Speaker, as our country’s Deputy Premier and the Minister for Border Control and Employment Services, I would like to pause, in this forum, to thank the many hard working men and women of my Ministry, who have and continues to work under extreme situations, often lacking the necessary resources, but continue to push in these less than ideal circumstances. Change is coming. Mr. Speaker it was, Denis Waitley who stated “there are two choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist or accept the responsibility of changing them.”  

Therefore, I have chosen to accept the responsibility of changing the Ministry of Border Control and Employment Services. You see Mr. Speaker, I want to change the way we document who resides in our country, I want to change the way we assist our people in finding gainful employment, I want to change the way we provide customer service, I want to change the way we protect our borders, and I want to change the way we as residents view breaches of our borders and illegal migration, because these issues are no longer immigration issues but national security issues.

Mr. Speaker, let us be real, we will not deny that there are many areas of concern in the Ministry that have contributed to the decline in service and morale over the years which requires our immediate attention. Your Government is committed to eradicating corruption and improving the way we conduct business. But, Mr. Speaker, where some would see these as areas of despair or irreparable, Mr. Speaker, I see them as areas of opportunity, and I am pleased to say that efforts are already underway to address these areas, to build on what works and to change what doesn’t, and Mr. Speaker, while the change will at times be painful or difficult, change, we must!

Therefore, Mr. Speaker, the 2017/18 appropriation of approximately $8.2 million dollars will be utilized for the implementation of the following programs:

Immigration and Enforcement

Mr. Speaker, one of the main contributors to the many social ills that our communities face is illegal residents. We have persons who continue to live and work amongst us who do not have the legal authorization to do so. Mr. Speaker, there is an unknown number of persons who have remained in our country beyond the time their work permits expired and those who never had a work permit; there are those amongst us who have remained beyond the time their visas have expired, and those remaining beyond their temporary work permits. Mr. Speaker, there are the many who have penetrated our borders and found entry illegally into our country by one means or another, but they all continue to live here in less than ideal circumstances. They continue to pull on the fragile resources of our health and education systems, and hold jobs that should be held by persons with the legal right to do so.

Therefore Mr. Speaker, a major focus for the Immigration and Enforcement Units will be improved compliance and prosecution. Mr. Speaker, there will be increased operations with joint law enforcement agencies to detect, apprehend, and prosecute, not only those persons who are illegally residing and illegally employed, but all the residents and employers that aid and abet them. If you stand as surety for a visa applicant, we will begin to hold you to count to make sure that person leaves the country at the expiration of that visa. We must enforce our laws without fear or favour, change Mr. Speaker is Here!

Border Control and Protection

Mr. Speaker, while these efforts are ongoing, fundamental to our success will be the prevention of more persons adding to this pool along with mitigation against other high risk and major threats that the global world now faces.

Mr. Speaker in recent times and over the past decade, there has been an increase in threats due to transnational organized crimes, trades in illicit drugs, and other commodities, such as guns, human trafficking and illegal migration. Mr. Speaker, these threats are a result of many things, from defects such as our porous borders, to the success in the growth of our tourism industry. Whatever the reason, Mr. Speaker, we continue to experience challenges at our port facilities, especially with limitations in data intelligence and manpower resources.

Therefore, Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to say that allocations for the 2017/18 operations of Border Control and Protection will see investment in the strengthening of data intelligence and the available manpower resources.

The Integrated Border Management System initiative that began in 2016/17 will become the key mechanism for the processing of Labour Clearances, Work Permits, Visas, and Permanent Residency Certificates. Budget allocation has been made for the inclusion of the registration and citizenship processes, as well as the digitizing and archiving of files. Mr. Speaker, these e-services will not only streamline processes, but will also provide greater efficiency, and shorter processing time for customer applications. This border management system, Mr. Speaker, will further provide my enforcement officers with real time data and reports on the status of individuals in our country thereby aiding in the combat against illegal migration, illegal residency, and illegal employment.

To address the threat of international security, terrorism, and the activities of transnational organized crime, we will be implementing an Advance Passenger Information System, in conjunction with the Governments of CARICOM countries, and the Government of the United States of America, for the improvement in the security of the territory from exposure to high risk individuals and commodities being transported via air and sea travel into and out of the country. This will be accomplished through the sharing of passenger information prior to arrival in and departure from our Turks and Caicos Islands.

Mr. Speaker, with this initiative and our partnership with the CARICOM Implementation Agency for Crime and Security, IMPACS, there will be ongoing collaboration, data sharing, and training in intelligence and reporting, which will assist in the capacity building of our officers and those in other law enforcement agencies. Mr. Speaker, I would also like to inform the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands that I leave the country this coming Monday, to travel to Barbados where I will be signing the agreement, on behalf of the TCI, in order to begin preparations for the implementation of this system.

Mr. Speaker, at this point I would like to commend the work of those officers who man the Radar Station for their diligence in the detection, and reporting of those vessels that come within the scope of the national radar. Mr. Speaker, the current detection rate of sloops is over 90%, and in our effort to detect all vessels, Mr. Speaker, this year some 300 thousand dollars has been ear-marked for investment in the upgrade to the software and radar equipment, as well as plans for the employment of additional officers to assist in the coverage at the radar station and at the main ports in Providenciales.

Employment Services

Mr. Speaker, another major arm of my Ministry is Employment Services, whose mandate is to support full employment among our people, and ensure the availability of required skills in the labour market to support our country’s economic growth.

Mr. Speaker, over the years there has been an unprecedented number of work permits issued to foreign nationals without any plan or analysis as to the skills that are required. This, Mr. Speaker, did little but to open the flood gates and in some cases resulted in the displacement of our people in the middle to upper management jobs, that would otherwise have been available to them. Mr. Speaker, this trend cannot continue, will not continue, and change, it must!  We also recognize that with increasing developments there will be a continuing need for migrant workers, and we will facilitate businesses in obtaining the work force they need. However, Mr. Speaker, let me be clear, our people must come first and we will never apologize for this, as we see this as our greatest responsibility. Our people must be afforded every opportunity to grow and succeed in the workplace.

Therefore Mr. Speaker, this Government has undertaken the initiative to develop and present to the people of these islands, a Population Policy, that will guide the future growth in the residency within our borders, a policy that will highlight the areas of opportunity for immigrants to live and work amongst us, a policy Mr. Speaker, that will protect the citizens of these islands, and promote their gainful employment, development and prosperity for decades to come.

Mr. Speaker, this Population Policy will also be formed on the findings of the National Skills Audit, which is 80% completed and which will inform what skills and certifications are available amongst us and those that are required. Mr. Speaker, this audit is critical to the future of these islands and it is long overdue.

The National Skills Audit, in addition to being used to help form the Population Policy, it must also help form our immigration, health, and education policies, to ensure that these systems are also offering the appropriate programs and framework that would meet the needs of our current workforce, even while developing a more desirable labour pool for our developing nation.

With these guiding frameworks Mr. Speaker, it is the aim of my Ministry to reduce the timeframe for the processing of work permit applications, across the board, and enable greater scrutiny of applications, to ensure that the persons being requested are absolutely needed, and capable of fulfilling the work which they are committing to do.

Mr. Speaker, already there is significant progress in the streamlining of processes within the employment unit, which has brought greater transparency and accountability to the operation and management of the unit.  These have in turn brought greater efficiency in the few short weeks that this work has begun. Change, Mr. Speaker, is here.

Mr. Speaker, we are aware that there is a need for improvement in the number of labour disputes being heard to completion, and the ministry will be undertaking a review of the legal framework and policies, as well as staff resources of the Labour Tribunal in an effort to address this. However, Mr. Speaker, one of the main reasons there are so many disputes in the work place, is the fact that many employees are not aware of their rights, and either through fear, frustration, or feelings of inadequacy, they are unable to articulate their concerns to their employers in a constructive manner. We will also be seeking to have more disputes settled by the Labour Commission therefore, lessening the number of cases reaching the tribunal.

Employment Initiatives  

Mr. Speaker, in an effort to tackle the elephant in the room leftover by the PNP administration, that being unemployment. My ministry will be hosting the first annual National Career Expo during the month of May. The expo will be in two parts namely a job preparedness symposium and the largest job fair this country has ever experienced. We will be connecting people with jobs in new and exciting ways. Participants will be assisted by providing the necessary tips and guidance on how to improve on-the job performance, as well as performance in interviews. Mr. Speaker, partners in the private sector will be brought in to share particularly what it is that they value in an interview, and further offer advice on how potential employees can improve their chances of landing that job. Other initiatives will include media programs and presentations at staff meetings of corporations throughout these islands. Mr. Speaker I am also happy to report that discussions have already begun between my ministry and the Ministry of Education on the planned placement of our students graduating out of our scholarship program. We must get our young people excited again about returning home after finishing their studies.

Mr. Speaker, many of the social disturbances, crime, and delinquency are just few of the effects of unemployment. There are many young TCIs who have found themselves on the other side of the law and now being blocked from employment. You would have heard it before but I will say it again, change is here! The Premier, all of her life has demonstrated that this is an area she intends to fix through government and private sector intervention, and works have already begun.

Mr. Speaker, not only does unemployment negatively impact the tax revenues of Government, but Mr. Speaker it also negatively impacts the very institution that has brought stability to our communities, and the lives of our people throughout time, the family.  Mr. Speaker, out of frustration due to the relentless search for gainful employment, many persons are turning to substance abuse, abuse of spouse, abuse of children, and overall neglect, and abandonment of the home. Mr. Speaker, needless to say, the family unit is in trouble and for too long the welfare and lives of our people have played second fiddle to the political spoils of the political wills of past Governments, but I say no more Mr. Speaker, Enough is truly Enough!

Mr. Speaker, in addressing unemployment, this budget will support and enable the fostering of a partnership with the private sector for the placement, training and advancement of Turks and Caicos Islanders as a priority in the work place, as long as they are qualified, able, and willing. My Ministry will also be exploring the idea of instituting a point system on work permits, that would track the training of our people and contribution that foreign workers are making to the development of our youth. Mentorship, lecturing, and understudy programs that are just few of the many ways that foreign workers will be able to fulfil their obligation in being granted leave to work in our beloved islands.

Additionally Mr. Speaker, during this budget year we will be developing a database for the collection and reporting of labour market statistics, based on the demographics of the population and work force. This, Mr. Speaker, along with the national skills audit and the population policy, will enhance our policy development and they will drive the amendments to our major legislations to ensure that the frameworks by which we live and work are both relevant and appropriate for the era in which we live, and for the sustainable development of our economy and our people.

Registration and Citizenship

Mr. Speaker, we intend to carry out a full review of the areas of permanent residency and citizenship status in the Turks and Caicos Islands. The granting of these statuses must be done in a strategic and deliberate manner, aimed at growing our population by a designed vision rather than the reactionary position as has historically been the case. The persons who are privileged with the honour of obtaining such status must be people who love and care about this country, as we do, and those who would be right for the long term sustainability of the core values and brand of our country.

Therefore Mr. Speaker, the review of the PRC process and criteria that will be undertaken by the Ministry and the Government, will also determine whether or not there should be an annual quota on these status. And the regulations that will govern the operation of the TCI Status Commission has already been initiated.

In addition to this Mr. Speaker, there has already been an initial review of the process to improve the efficiency and reduce the processing time for PRCs, applications for naturalization, as well as for births, deaths, and marriages certificate requests, which I am pleased to say is already gaining public approval. And Mr. Speaker, we will continue to gain public approval as we implement the plans that we have for these areas, which will ensure that the public can feel the change that is here.

Rebranding and The Way We Work

Mr. Speaker, for too long the Ministry of Border Control and Employment Services has borne the reputation of having poor work ethic and not being customer focused. While there has been a seemingly lack of focus over the years on customer service and service delivery, Mr. Speaker, I must say that contrary to perception, there are many very hard working civil servants in the Ministry of Border Control and Employment Services, who are deserving of our recognition and encouragement. As we improve the resources and performance management of the Ministry, Mr. Speaker, we are also doing much to improve the way that we work.

Effective immediately, all applications for services from Border Control and Employment will be initiated in the Customer Service Center, where staff who are trained and continue to undergo coaching and development can inform and assist in a professional and courteous manner. These staff will communicate the new delivery timelines for services as they are implemented in the coming weeks. Mr. Speaker, the departments will continue the back office support, research, and processing of the applications for delivery back to the customer service center for final communication with the customers. Mr. Speaker, there will be no more holds beyond seven days for additional submission of documents, and customers will receive either approval or denial in the target times that will be set. Mr. Speaker all calls will be routed to the telephone hotline where trained agents can further assist callers on status updates and other information required, thereby improving the Ministry’s response times to both call-in and walk-in customers.

Mr. Speaker, with this new customer centered attitude comes new facilities and new attire. This budget year will see the relocation of the Employment Services and Customer Service Center to the newly renovated Sammy Been building in the upcoming weeks, and the retrofitting of the additional buildings for the relocation of the Ministerial offices. Budget provisions has also been made Mr. Speaker, for the provision of uniforms and critical gear for all officers.

As we continue to rebrand ourselves Mr. Speaker, there will be investment in skills building and cross training of officers, so that they are exposed to all areas of the Ministry. We will be able to properly assign resources to the appropriate areas as the demand arises. And Mr. Speaker, this will include frequent familiarization sessions for officers to remain updated on the ordinances and other legal frameworks and policies of the Ministry.

Mr. Speaker, as I have outlined above, we have a lot that we working tirelessly to accomplish and many of the tasks we have already begun. No budget is perfect or complete Mr. Speaker, and so there remains other initiatives that we look forward to in future years; the construction of a new fully resourced Detention Center, an additional Coastal Radar Station and additional advancements in technology for the protection of our borders are just a few of those future initiatives, these will come in time. Mr, Speaker, and while we look forward to the future, we are grateful for the present Mr. Speaker, The Ministry of Border Control and Employment Services, my Ministry, my staff, we are committed to the plans put forth in this budget today, we are committed to improving the way that we work, we are committed to changing the way that we serve, we are excited about the Ministry that we know we can be, and we are ready to be that change that we all wish to see.

My Constituency

Mr. Speaker, at this time, I would like to direct your attention to my constituency of Five Cays, which includes Five Cays Proper, Chalk Sound, South Dock, and Old Airport Road. Mr. Speaker just when I thought that I could not be anymore surprised by the PNP, yesterday the Leader of the Opposition had the unmitigated gall to let the name of my constituency come out of his mouth. Mr. Speaker the member said that we should clean up the beach and build a hotel there. Can you believe that Mr. Speaker? When the opportunity was there, when a proven developer was ready, when the people of my constituency was longing and when in my position as the representative of Five Cays and a member of the than opposition I went to the former Premier and the current Leader of the opposition, who was the Minister of Finance at the time. Mr. Speaker I begged them to consider this hotel development, and their response to the developer was silence. The former government clearly demonstrated that the people of Five Cays was of no interest to them.  Mr. Speaker, let me assure the people of Five Cays that change is here and you will get everything that I have been working on and everything I promised.

In my Five Cays Manifesto, I outlined my plans for my constituency under the heading “Operation Facelift”.  Mr. Speaker, in these past three and a half months as MP for Five Cays, I can proudly announce to the residents of Five Cays that Operation Facelift is well on its way. This budget will see two roads being properly paved in my constituency. This is a big deal for my constituency Mr., Speaker, as the PNP Government had deliberately withheld budgetary funds from my constituency during the last four years.  In fact Mr. Speaker the public should know that there hasn’t been any road paved in Five Cays for the past ten years. Mr. Speaker that will change this year.  Change is here!  I will also be reaching out to the Dwayne Wade Foundation and the Sandals Foundation to fulfill their commitment for the renovation of the basketball court that, in which no effort or interest was demonstrated by the former government to facilitate this project.  I spoke about this project in the House of Assembly, this project was discussed in the local media, and the former Government showed absolutely no interest in seeing this come to fruition.  Mr. Speaker, there is a lot in store for my constituency that will be unveiled during the year.  If you are a resident of Five Cays and you have not seen my manifesto and the contents of Operation Facelift, I recommend that you obtain a copy so that you can tick off my commitments to my constituents as they are accomplished.  Five Cays, as your representative and Deputy Premier of our Country, I can firmly state that Change is Here!

PNP Operatives Warning

Mr. Speaker there is one other matter that I must address before closing and that is the mischief of certain PNP operatives who continue to get on Facebook and create lies and spread rumors to strike fear and distrust in our people of their beloved government. Let me give them their first and only warning, Facebook while online, do exist in the real world, and that any further attempt to spread lies on me or my office will be met with a quick and harsh factual response, that will call into question their creditability and expose them to the people of this country. Mr. Speaker, they should consider themselves warned as there will be no further warnings.

Now Mr. Speaker, I end where I started, in extending thanks to the staff of the Ministry of Border Control and Employment Services for believing in the change. I would also like to acknowledge the former PS Mrs. Gardiner for her hard work, thank you to the residents of Five Cays for allowing me to serve you and the people of these islands, thanks to the members of this honourable House for your keen attention and support, and thanks to you Mr. Speaker for the time and this platform to be able to speak to our people.

I will finish this way: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Mr. Speaker, may God continue to bless these our Turks and Caicos Islands.

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Ministry of Health and Human Services Advisory on the Influenza Season








Turks and Caicos – The Ministry of Health and Human Services wishes to remind the public to be vigilant during this influenza season. Seasonal flu outbreaks can happen as early as September, however, most of the flu activity often peaks between December and February.  This is also the most favourable season for other respiratory infectious diseases including COVID19.

Worldwide, respiratory illnesses such as flu and COVID19 result in an estimated 3 to 5 million cases of severe illness and about 290,000 to 650,000 respiratory deaths, particularly among high-risk groups including the very young, the elderly, pregnant women, health workers and those with serious medical conditions. Influenza (flu) and COVID19 are caused by contagious viruses resulting in respiratory illnesses with the following signs and symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Headache
  • Loss of taste
  • Loss of smell

The Ministry of Health and Human Services is committed to keeping the Turks and Caicos Islands population healthy, and persons are advised to visit the Primary Health Care clinics within their respective communities to receive the influenza and the COVID19 vaccine which are offered free of charge.

The COVID19 vaccine is bivalent which offers protection from the original strain of the SARS-CoV2 and the Omicron variant. It also triggers a response to newer subvariants of the omicron variant.  The bivalent vaccine is available for those over the age of 18 years as a booster. Those aged 16 and 17 years can receive the Pfizer vaccine as the booster.  Boosters are needed to boost immunity if persons have received the vaccine more than 3 months previously as immunity is known to wane with time.

In addition to having the vaccines, the Ministry of Health and Human Services would like to recommend the following health tips which can help to prevent the spread of the infection:

  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
  • Put your used tissue in the waste basket.
  • If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into the upper sleeve or elbow, not your hands.
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds or long enough to sing the birthday song twice.
  • If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth (germs are often spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth).
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick. When you are sick, keep your distance from others to protect them from getting sick too, particularly those who are in the vulnerable group.
  • If you or your child is sick with the flu or flu-like symptoms, stay home from work, school and daycare.  You will help prevent spreading your illness to others.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces at home, work, or school, especially when someone is ill.
  • Get plenty of rest, drink plenty of fluids, eat nutritious foods, manage your stress and be physically active.
  • Everyday preventive actions can help slow the spread of germs that can cause many different illnesses and may offer some protection against the flu.

The best way to prevent the flu is by getting vaccinated each year. Get your Flu shot today!!!

For more information, contact your health care provider or the Health Promotion and Advocacy Unit on 338-2772 or 338-4942.  For information on the vaccine contact the Primary Health Care Department on 338-5469. Please visit the Ministry of Health’s Facebook page at

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Caribbean News

5.4 Million in Haiti are going hungry as Gangs recruit children, UN calls for Immediate Action



Garfield Ekon

Staff Writer



Haiti, December 9, 2024 – The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) is warning that as Haiti grapples with escalating violence and systemic collapse, its children are bearing the brunt of a multipronged crisis that threatens their lives, safety, and future.

UN officials and humanitarian leaders used the ECOSOC meeting last Monday December 2 to highlight the direct conditions in Haiti, where violence has severely disrupted life in the  Caribbean Community (CARICOM) country.

They have called for immediate action to support its youngest citizens.

The UN said 5.4 million people, half the population are facing acute food insecurity and 700,000 displaced, urgent international intervention is needed to address a crisis compounded by armed groups violence, economic instability, and insufficient humanitarian funding.

UN Emergency Relief Coordinator, Tom Fletcher, who took up his post two weeks ago, spoke of the devastating impact of the crisis on children. “The children of Haiti are displaced. They are malnourished. They live in fear, their neighbourhoods controlled by armed groups.”

The Executive Director of the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Catherine Russell said “we estimate that children account for 30 to 54 per cent of armed group members while the total number of children recruited by armed groups has jumped by 70 per cent over the past year.”

She also highlighted the collapse of essential services, with 1.5 million youngsters losing access to education and healthcare facilities shutting down due to violence and insecurity.

Despite the challenges, UN agencies and partners continue to deliver aid.  Facing a surge in displacement and food insecurity, the UN’s World Food Programme (WFP) has announced an expanded response, targeting nearly two million people with emergency relief.

“We have been delivering record amounts of food assistance to Haitians in Port-au-Prince and across the country these past few months and will do even more in the coming weeks,” said the WFP’s Country Director, Wanja Kaaria.

The WFP also supports local economies by sourcing 70 per cent of school meal ingredients from Haitian farmers, fostering long-term resilience and development.

Yet, the scale of the response is dwarfed by the growing needs as speakers at the ECOSOC session stressed the need for immediate international action to close funding gaps, protect children from exploitation, and rebuild essential services.

UN Special Representative Maria Isabel Salvador, who also heads the UN Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH), urged the global community to address root causes of the crisis.

“The challenges Haiti faces are immense, but one truth is undeniable: no progress can be made without addressing the pervasive insecurity caused by armed gangs.  UNICEF and other humanitarian leaders called on the UN Security Council -backed Multinational Security Support (MSS) mission and Haitian authorities to prioritise child protection during operations, ensuring safe reintegration for children recruited by armed groups.

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Bahamas News

CARPHA Supports Mass Gathering Surveillance for Bahamas’ National Festivals




Nassau, Bahamas:  The Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), in collaboration with The Bahamas Ministry of Health and Wellness, conducted a mass gathering (MG) risk assessment and implemented the MG event-based surveillance for the country’s upcoming annual Junkanoo Festival[1], and other upcoming mass gathering events.

Mass gatherings can pose increased public health risks and challenges for the host community.  In light of this, CARPHA conducted a training workshop to strengthen The Bahamas’ capacity to identify and respond to potential threats, in “real time”, during the festival.  The MG surveillance training was carried out using the novel, electronic, real time, MG surveillance module, developed by CARPHA and successfully utilised in Caribbean nations, during the recently concluded International Cricket Council (ICC) T20 World Cup.

During the launch of the workshop, The Honourable Dr Michael Darville, Minister of Health and Wellness reaffirmed his Ministry’s commitment to implementing proactive surveillance to reduce the risk of disease spread within the population, as well as the significant number of visitors on the islands. Minister Darville acknowledged the “complexities of 12 million visitors coming into a population of 450 thousand” annually and the need to ensure robust and resilient public health systems for the continued economic growth of the country. The Minister also endorsed CARPHA as a key public health partner, saying that the Agency is “a world recognised institution with high-level professionals and leads in many public health programmes especially in tourism”.

Dr Lisa Indar, Ad Interim Executive Director, in her remarks explained the need for elevated surveillance and indicated, “Mass gathering events such as junkanoo, carnival and cricket in the Caribbean are unique and key cultural and economic pillars for all CARPHA Member States (CMS) that draw large numbers of visitors from around the world”.  She added, “visitors no longer just want to be happy, they want to be happy and healthy”.

Dr Indar also spoke about the relevance and benefits of mass gathering surveillance to the overall public health landscape and underpinned the need to ramp-up and utilise the available electronic surveillance tools that will facilitate rapid identification and response to public health threats emerging from mass gathering events.

The CARPHA team presented  Minister Darville with three tablets to facilitate real-time field data entry during the Junkanoo Festival and other mass gathering events throughout the year.  The capacity built from the Junkanoo risk assessment and MG training will be used by The Bahamas’ national planning and coordination team to guide them in developing and implementing relevant risk mitigation strategies and interventions to reduce the festival’s current risks.

This mission was supported through CARPHA’s Pandemic Fund project, which has the core objective of supporting the reduction of public health impact of pandemics in the Caribbean of which mass gatherings pose an ever-present risk.

The launch of the training workshop took place on Thursday 21st November 2024 in The Bahamas.  Attendees included The Honourable Dr Michael Darville, Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr Phillip Swann, Acting Director of the Department of Public Health, Mrs. Coral Miller, Deputy Permanent Secretary Ministry of Health and Wellness, Ms. Brenda Colebrooke, Senior Under Secretary Ministry of Health and Wellness and Dr Felicia Greenslade, Officer-in-Charge of the Surveillance Unit. The CARPHA team comprised Dr Lisa Indar, Ad Interim Executive Director, Mr. Keston Daniel, Coordinator, Visitor-based Surveillance and Mr. Mohamed Elsherbiny, Senior Technical Advisor.

About the Pandemic Fund Project:

The Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), the sole public health agency for the Caribbean region, is the Executing Agency for the Pandemic Fund (PF) Project: RG-T4387, with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) as the Implementing Entity. The goal of this Project, which spans from 2024 to 2026, is to reduce the public health impact of pandemics in the Caribbean through prevention, preparedness, and response (PPR).  The objective is to support the reduction of the public health impact of pandemics in the Caribbean by building pandemic PPR surveillance and early warning systems, laboratory systems and workforce capacity, regionally at CARPHA and at country levels. This will reduce the transboundary spread of infectious diseases and improve regional and global health security. CARPHA is the beneficiary of the PF project and CARPHA Member States are the participants.

The PF was approved at the highest level by the Council for Human and Social Development, as well as by CARPHA’s Executive Board and other stakeholders, including Chief Medical Officers. This is a regional 3-year project (2024-2026). The public signing of Technical Cooperation Agreement to implement the project was on December 14, 2023.

 About the CARPHA Electronic Mass Gathering (MG) Surveillance Module:

The MG surveillance module is a product of the CARPHA’s Tourism and Health Program (THP), one of the Agency’s innovative programmes that addresses health, food safety and environmental sanitation (HSE) threats impacting sustainable tourism in the Caribbean through real-time, early warning and response surveillance systems, guidelines, capacity building, HSE standards, policy, advocacy and partnerships.

In 2024, this portfolio was expanded to included mass gathering surveillance given the elevated public health risk these events pose to regional health security. The THP aims to strengthen countries’ capacity to prepare for and respond to public health threats, thereby improving citizen and visitor health, tourism resilience, economic sustainability and the event itself.

With the success of MG surveillance during the ICC T20 World Cup and the endorsement of this electronic system by Ministers of Health in the Region, through the Council of Human and Social Development-Health, The Bahamas recognised the system’s high value and solicited the support of CARPHA to implement and build capacity in MG surveillance for its annual Junkanoo Festival.

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