
No More Weekly COVID Updates, says WHO



Dana Malcolm

Staff Writer


September 29, 2023 – In a clear sign that the global community has moved past the emergency stage of the COVID-19 Pandemic; the World Health Organization (WHO) is suspending its weekly COVID updates and migrating to a monthly format.

The WHO has, for the duration of the pandemic, been more cautious about the pulling back of restrictions and reopening of borders than other country-based agencies.

In a September 1 report, they advised:  “Please note that this is the last edition of the COVID-19 Weekly Epidemiological Update.  Moving forward, as WHO transitions its COVID-19 surveillance from an emergency response to long-term COVID-19 disease prevention, control and management, we will be providing updates every four weeks.”

The WHO, along with other health agencies like the US Centers for Disease Control, had been warning about the reduced reliability of COVID-19 data because of less robust testing worldwide for some time.

The disease was downgraded from a Public Health Emergency of International Concern in May 2023.

New boosters are still being approved and the WHO is predicting that the disease will have to be controlled with yearly vaccines as variants continue to emerge much like the Flu virus.


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