
DDME Planning first of its kind National Emergency Simulation Exercise



By Dana Malcolm 

Staff Writer 



#TurksandCaicos, May 5, 2023 – The Department of Disaster Management and Emergencies will be hosting a series of events over the next three months to drum up awareness for the hurricane season across all the inhabited islands, including a country wide emergency simulation.

Joanna Wilson Forbes, DDME Information and Media Manager spoke to Magnetic Media detailing the upcoming events. She explained that there would be a church service for most of the islands followed by Expos and Awareness drives for them as well.

Tsunami drills for schools continue into May, also this month will be in-store promotions; closed door preparedness meetings; workshops to decide on the common alerting protocol to be used on all the islands; and damage assessment training in Salt Cay.

This training is essential as it teaches volunteers the skills to quickly and concisely collect information regarding infrastructural damage immediately after hurricanes, increasing the speed and efficiency with which the Government can render aid.

At the beginning of June, the DDME will have its joint press conference with disaster management stakeholders including meteorologists and Government officials to officially start off the season.

A week-long preparation drive begins with a church service and includes shelter management training and a hurricane preparedness expo on South Caicos. Grand Turk and the twin islands will get similar treatment as the DDME ramps up hurricane preparedness awareness across the country in an effort to get all islanders prepared.

The massive simulation event that will bring the entire country together is called the TCI Hurricane NASIMEX (National Simulation Exercise) 2023.

“We’re trying to get all the islands, all the District Commissioners, all the agencies to actually test their hurricane plans— to see how prepared we are.

In order for us to test our plans, sometimes we need to go big,” Forbes said.

The date for this event is tentatively set at June 30th but could change.

A new Disaster Risk Club in schools is also slated to begin; it will provide younger residents with emergency training and adeptness in emergency responsiveness.


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