Bahamas News

Fibroids are cause for Concern, Sometimes Causing Pain and Infertility



By Dana Malcolm  

Staff Writer 



February 20, 2023 – Fibroids occur in hundreds of thousands of women each year, complicating pregnancy and making sex uncomfortable, but what are they really and where do they come from?  Should you be concerned? According to the UK National Health Service, yes, and doubly so if you are of Afro-Caribbean descent, as they occur most frequently in women of this demographic.

Usually non cancerous growths made of muscle and fibrous tissue, fibroids are found around the uterus and can remain there for years with women none the wiser because they have no symptoms, says UKNHS.  For some women though the existence of fibroids is a painful experience.  They can cause

  • Painful sex;
  • Painful periods;
  • Pain in the back or abdomen;
  • Heavy periods and in rare cases;
  • Infertility.

They vary greatly in size and can get as big as a melon giving the appearance of pregnancy.  Two-thirds of all women will experience at least one fibroid, with or without symptoms, and they can start as young as 16 straight up to menopause.  Because scientists aren’t sure what causes them other than a link to estrogen there is no surefire way to prevent them, but there are several treatment options available.

The first step is visiting your doctor to check for the growths if you exhibit any of the symptoms above.  Interestingly, women who do not exhibit symptoms are not thought to need treatment.

Both Gynecologists and General Practitioners can check for fibroids and if your tests do come back positive there are many avenues of treatment including oral medication and surgery.  If you are close enough to menopause the fibroids may shrink on their own once the body stops producing estrogen.

If you have any of the symptoms do not hesitate to see your doctor for a test; treatment can assist with removing them before they become too large or painful.


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