Bahamas News

Men Watch Out, OBESITY stunts your sex drive!



By Dana Malcolm

Staff Writer


December 8, 2022 – Testosterone levels sink when obesity is at play in men, Doctors advise men keep weight down and muscles hard and lean to avoid ED and prostate cancer.

If you suffer from Obesity this means you have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more depending on your weight and height. Whether it’s from beer, a desk job which encourages a sedentary lifestyle or one too many slices of pie, many people gain weight as they age.

In the Caribbean we have some of the highest levels of obesity in the world according to the Caribbean Public Health Agency and for men it can cause a host of dangerous side effects.  This theory is supported by a study from Harvard University explained that while obesity affects men and women about the same amount, men bore a particular burden, since obesity takes a special toll on male hormones, sexuality, and prostate health.

The study explained that the effects of obesity on testosterone levels can be extreme, lowering them faster than even age. Testosterone is directly related to men’s sex drive, their body’s fat distribution, muscle mass and strength and the production of red blood cells and sperm.

In addition to low testosterone, obese men are more at risk for erectile dysfunction (ED), kidney stones and lower levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) this antigen is extremely important as it helps doctors detect if you have prostate cancer. Obesity raises your risk of heart disease, hypertension and other serious health effects.

So what can you do?

  • See a doctor or nurse who will calculate your BMI and help you create healthy targets hit in your journey.
  • If you’re uncomfortable, calculate your BMI at home and start to make some healthy lifestyle changes
  •  Lifestyle changes that can help with obesity include eating regular healthy meals at mealtimes instead of lots of sugar filled snacks. Focusing on fresh fruits and veggies instead of processed food.  Eat fibre fresh foods which will keep you feeling full. Drink lots of water
  • Try to get your body moving more exercise is key for losing weight
  • If you find going to the gym difficult incorporate exercise into activities that you find enjoyable. Join an adult football league, start jogging, play tennis, go swimming. If you enjoy it you’re more likely to stick with it.
  • Don’t focus on the scale. Losing weight isn’t the only goal, maintaining healthy habits will help you more in the long run. Focus on creating healthy habits and those will eventually lead to weight loss as disappointment stemming from weight loss that is not immediate may discourage you initially.

One Scottish study suggests that when men get together to exercise, it could be more effective than exercising alone. So grab your friends and work with each other to get yourselves as healthy as possible.


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