
No truth to rumor, Anya Williams will remain TCI’s Deputy Governor



By Deandrea Hamilton



#TurksandCaicos, September 29, 2022 – Manufactured as mischief or some kind of advocacy for other members of the Public Service deemed worthy of the role of deputy governor, Nigel Dakin, Governor of the Turks and Caicos Islands found himself denying a widely circulated rumor.  He said there was no truth to the current ‘DG’ being replaced by either Wesley Clerveaux or Althea Been or anyone for that matter.

“With regard to the DG’s tenure, this is simply fake and manufactured news.  The DG serves at Her Majesty’s pleasure,” said Dakin in a statement shared with media tonight.

Governor Dakin was quoting, in part, Section 25 (1) of the Turks and Caicos Islands Constitution, which also says, “…shall be a Turks and Caicos Islander and shall be appointed by the Governor in pursuance of instructions given by Her Majesty through a Secretary of State, and who shall hold office during Her Majesty’s pleasure.”

Magnetic Media had questioned Deputy Governor Anya Williams, directly about the rumor being shared over social media platforms.  She advised that the Governor would speak to the issue, and he did.  Via email, to our newsroom and other media houses was an unequivocal response.

“I also note that within that fake news both Wesley Clerveaux and Althea Been are mentioned as potential successors.  In one sense it is excellent that their names are called out – they are excellent Permanent Secretaries – and the good news is there are others that could have been named – who have the capability – and there are Deputy Secretaries who could one day also aspire. The bench at this level is both wide and deep, reinforcing the present incumbent who is a ‘rock’, on which much of TCI depends – particularly at time of crisis,” informed the governor.

Still, it is Anya Williams who tops his list as tremendously competent and suited to the job at this time in Turks and Caicos.  His confidence, he says is shared by the Cabinet.

“Anya Williams, is one of the most dedicated and effective leaders I’ve had the good fortune to work with.

Beyond that myself, the Premier and Deputy Premier have for example recently lauded her over her leadership during the height of Hurricane FIONA.  While I am Governor, Anya Williams will remain Deputy Governor and my strong recommendation to my successor – whenever my successor is appointed – is he or she could not have a better person to be able to rely on.”

It had been reported that the tenure of Deputy Governor Williams had contractually ended and that her job was up for grabs.  It had been articulated she would have to apply, along with others, for the available position.  However, H.E. Dakin makes it clear that the process for this job is not like others in the public service.

“There isn’t a set ‘contract date’ and so no contract is ‘up’.  If it were hypothetically up for renewal today – in that it could be terminated for good reason any day – she would be reappointed with my full and unqualified confidence.”

Her Excellency Anya Williams is the second appointed Deputy Governor of the Turks and Caicos Islands and is the Head of the Public Service.  She was appointed on October 15, 2012, through an open recruitment process.


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