
Mask Mandate gone for Americans & CDC eases its Travel Advisory rating system



By Shanieka Smith

Features Writer


#USA, April 22, 2022 – Every country has been officially removed from the CDC’s do not travel list.

A system the world has come to rely on in the past few months as the procedure for gauging COVID prevalence and safety of countries is changing.

As of now the highest listing level four is only reserved for what the CDC described as special circumstances which could reflect dangerous Covid-19 spikes, new variants or healthcare infrastructure collapses.

The Turks and Caicos along with 11 other countries including the British Virgin Islands are listed as level two which means they have moderate cases of COVID-19 and persons are encouraged to get their vaccinations before traveling to these countries.

In America at least the sentiment is largely that the pandemic should be treated as an endemic disease.

This week, the CDC also lost its bid to extend mask mandates for public transportation systems.  The order was struck down by Florida judge who said it was unconstitutional.

This week, major airlines including American informed passengers that they were free to fly without wearing a mask; wearing the face covering is now a choice and not a mandate.

Cheering aboard aircraft was recorded on cell phone as a sign that many travellers were ready for the end of the mandate.  Now, it is left to companies to determine their own rules when it comes to managing the ongoing coronavirus pandemic; no longer a dictate forced by government or which makes criminals of individuals who were in breach.


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