
Leeward Highway works near Completion; cleaner wider roadways are the plan



By Dana Malcolm

Staff Writer


 #TurksandCaicos, March 18, 2022 – Work on Leeward Highway has officially begun with the cutting of verges and trimming of once overgrown medians.  However, Minister of Physical Planning and Infrastructure Development said there will be more than beautification of the country’s longest thoroughfare.

“The highway has served its life. We are going to be activating a study and survey, [because] the cost of widening, not just resurfacing, needs to be undertaken. That study will be tendered in April,” said Missick during House of Assembly on March 10.

It is welcomed news for Leeward Highway which can in some parts be an eyesore, and which has long been a hotspot for horrible, deadly vehicle accidents.

Workers were out in their numbers on Tuesday morning near the start of the highway at the Blue Hills round about and Minister of Physical Planning and Infrastructure development Akeirra Misick had a plea for motorists; they continue work in the area of the Bight.

“We want to urge motorists please adhere to the speeding limits.  On all of our roadways, but in particular on Leeward highway as there will be men and women working on the side of the road as well as in the median. This is a real, real request that we adhere to the traffic rules because what we do not want is that somebody gets knocked down as they try to provide for themselves and their family.” Misick said.

As the National Physical Development Plan seeks to govern how the roadways in Providenciales can be enhanced to better complement the fast-growing economy, the Minister admits one of the biggest problems with the highway is that it borders residences ad residential communities which makes widening the lanes difficult.

She however vowed, that it would be done.


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