
TCI: Jamell Robinson Budget contribution says PNP will put TCI back on the Road to Progress



#TurksandCaicos, July 8, 2021 – When all island member, Jamell Robinson made his contribution to the budget he commended the over $690,000 in spending aimed at targeted development of micro, small and medium size businesses; in the past budget year only one sixth of that was tapped by MSMEs. 

Hon Robinson, praised the re-boot of the plan to better compensate and give voice to public sector workers, applauded the re-establishment of Community Policing and said all government ministries should go the route of adding a crown counsel to their teams; a legal mind in office he said is a plus. 

Hon Robinson admires the strong thrust to register unemployed and underemployed through the JOBS registration drive of the Ministry of Education and he is excited about a constitutional amendment which could see the Crown Land Unit returned to a ministerial portfolio; he said it would support a government housing plan and a return of the Department of Housing. 

What disappointed the Member however, was the lack of progress on initiatives started under the previous PNP Administration of Rufus Ewing. 

His presentation during Budget Debate June 29-June 30 said the country is back on the road to progress, giving as an example that National Health Insurance Board will now see needed improvements cited since 2017, activated. 

In his presentation on day two of budget debate, the MP who is soon to be assigned the Ministry of Health portfolio, said recommendations from a review were not implemented and caused TCI to continue to be saddled with exorbitant overseas medical care bills; this year the budget has set aside $19.5 million dollars for the Treatment Abroad Programme, aka TAP. 

Hon Robinson believes there is talent on the ground to implement the report recommendations including third party income options and the three year strategic plan for the National Health Insurance Board can finally get going.

A big part of his finale was attention to waste management in the Turks and Caicos Islands.  Waste management and collection will get $4 million which is an increase $250,000.  Hon Robinson said the Caribbean Development Bank’s loan facility has long been approved and the study they are to conduct must not take as he put it, a hundred years for recommendations and solutions. 

Waste disposal sites in Providenciales and Grand Turk have been acutely problematic – residents are long ready for changes in these areas.


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