Caribbean News

Jamaica PM will be Vaccinated with Front-Line Public Sector Workers



#Jamaica, March 19, 2021 – Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, says he intends to get vaccinated against the coronavirus (COVID-19) “in keeping with the prioritisation order”.  He was making his contribution to the 2021/22 Budget Debate presentation in the House of Representatives on Thursday (March 18), under the theme ‘Recovery: Faster, Stronger, Better’.

Mr. Holness advised that he will receive his vaccine during the phase of the exercise targeting front-line public-sector workers.  These front-line personnel include receptionists, drivers, bearers, and cashiers, who are involved in “customer-facing” engagements.

“These people cannot work from home. They don’t have a choice… they have to come to work and they have to serve the public. So you want to get them inoculated first,” he pointed out.

Mr. Holness said the exercise for that group will be undertaken “when we are clear that the healthcare workers have been vaccinated [and] that we have reached the tail-end of the [undertaking for] the police and soldiers”.

The Prime Minister said government officials, comprising parliamentarians, who have not yet been inoculated, and councillors who have to face the public, will also be vaccinated within that timeline.  He indicated that some public officials, including Ministers and Members of Parliament, who are 60 years and older, have already been vaccinated.

Mr. Holness further told the House that the heads of agencies who need to be physically present within their respective agencies to manage the operations, are slated to be inoculated with the group of government officials.

“Note, however, that [other] persons, 60 and over, are currently being vaccinated parallel to all these groups… and will continue to be vaccinated,” he pointed out.

Release: JIS

Contact: Douglas McIntosh


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