Bahamas News

Bahamas participates in fifth Inter-Regional Meeting of National Commissions of UNESCO



#Nassau, July 4, 2018 – Bahamas – Desmond Edwards, ambassador and chairman of the Bahamas Commission for UNESCO, Clarence B. Clare, secretary general, and Dr. Lisa Fitzcharles, acting senior assistant secretary, Ministry of Education, represented the Bahamas at the 5th Inter-Regional Meeting of National Commissions of UNESCO in Diani Beach, Diani, Republic of Kenya from June 19-21, 2018.

The meeting brought together national commissions (NatComs) from 190 countries to discuss strategies pertaining to the implementation of decisions adopted by the Executive Board of UNESCO at its 204th Session in Paris last year.

Ambassador Edwards informed that during the 5th session, he participated in informal meetings with the Chairman of the Kenya National Commission as well as other attending Chairmen to gain insight into the workings of their NatComs as the countries strive to build National Committees in the five areas of UNESCO competency which are Education, Human and Natural Sciences, Culture, Information and Communication.

Ambassador Edwards advised that the various NatCom boards will be populated with persons in their areas of competency and will be announced.



Release: BIS

Photo Captions:

Header: Participants of various countries are pictured.

Insert: Dr. Lisa Fitzcharles, Ambassador Edwards and Clarence Clare.








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