
Joint Statement by Premier Robinson and Minister, Hon. Ralph Higgs on Interruption of Government Services in Bottle Creek



#TurksandCaicos, February 5, 2018 – North Caicos –


Premier Robinson and Hon Ralph Higgs on Thursday past toured Government Offices on North Caicos.  Over the past few weeks, residents of North Caicos have reached out to Premier Robinson and Hon Ralph Higgs, the elected representative for the Twin Islands following the closure of several Government Offices over a period of a few days.

The Representatives were informed that the Library, the Clinic and the Immigration Department in Bottle Creek were all closed. On receiving these complaints, both representatives confirmed them to be true with the relevant Department and Ministries.  Minister Higgs traveled to the Island on receiving the news and was not satisfied that enough had been done and urgently enough to restore services that continued disrupted or hampered.  As Minister with responsibility for District Administration and as the elected representative for the Twin Islands, both Premier Robinson and Hon Higgs thought it best to update the members of the community of Bottle Creek on their efforts following a joint visit on Thursday, February 1, 2018.

The Joint text is set out below:

We are aware that the Environmental Health Department had conducted inspections and had closed the Offices because of the presence of mold.  The unfortunate thing is that the Spaces remained closed in the case of the Library for at least a week before it was cleaned  which no doubt heightened the spread and growth of the mold.  We were able to see during our Tour that all Offices are now cleaned and re – opened (in the case of the Clinic and the Immigration Department) and being prepared to re – open (in the case of the Library).  It is regrettable that the Government – owned Buildings took longer and we are grateful for the quick cleaning carried out by the landlord for the space rented to the Immigration Department.

The Bottle Creek Clinic had been temporarily operating from the Library and while efforts were being made to partition for greater privacy, we were informed by the Doctor through our Ministerial colleague that the Building was not suitable.  There was a review of several options (2 premises were considered) on the Island for use and with the new Bottle Creek Clinic proceeding as planned, it was determined that it would not be prudent to spend large sums in retrofitting cost for rented accommodations.  It was also determined that it was inappropriate for the Clinic to continue to operate from its current facility.  Again ROM,  Group of Companies (of which Hon Higgs is a partner) offered its accommodation free of cost and a Paper was submitted to Cabinet for approval.  Since then Cabinet has approved the use of the Building formerly occupied by Digicel.  This Building has been given free of charge for three months while the Ministry of Infrastructure prepare to repair the Clinic that was damaged following the Storm.  District Administration, under the Premier’s Office is assisting with the cost for the Clinic’s relocation and preparation of the new temporary site to be occupied this week.

We regret the chain of events and the inconvenience to the residents of the Bottle Creek community and we commit to assisting where can.  Inquiries were made of the Deputy Governor, Mrs Anya Wlliams who did explain to us to the protocol to be followed once an inspection had been carried out and a determination of the kind made as in this instance.  Whilst we recognize the structure in place seeks to remove as it were, political interference in the Public Service, we are of the view that Ministers should be built into certain Protocols and should on an occasion such as this, be officially advised of interruption of government services especially under their Ministries.  Since this experience the Minister of Health has asked to be informed. This we believe will allow all ministerial colleagues to assist where they can.

Hon Sharlene L Cartwright Robinson

Premier & Minister of Finance

The Turks and Caicos Islands



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