
International athletes join 2018 Move-a-thon in Providenicales TCI



#TurksandCaicos, January 2, 2018 – Providenciales – Move-a-thon contunues to evolve and the 2018 event will, for the first time welcome international registrants in the health walk, run and cycle which moves into its sixth year.

“This year, we are proudly welcoming our first international runners who are coming to run in the country’s first marathon!  This is exciting news and we are elated to be a part of it!  For persons who may not be as ambitious, there are many other distances you can walk, run or cycle.  You may choose the 5k, 10k or half marathon all of which starts and finishes at the Children’s Park in Lower Bight, said founder of Move-a-thon, Tamika Handfield.

Tamika Handfield is the Registered Nutritionist who started the ‘anything a thon’ to encourage healthy activity for a healthy life.

“Move-a-thonTCI is a walk, run and cycle event that was started as a fundraiser for Nutrition in Demand.   Nutrition in Demand is a nonprofit organization whose mandate is to raise awareness to the importance of health and healthy eating.   This nonprofit was founded in late 2012 and it depends on community support.   Move-a-thonTCI is an annual event held every second weekend in January.   It is Nutrition in Demand’s biggest fundraiser.

As many as five programs are currently funded through community participation in Move-a-thon and there is a new program set for launch this year.   Handfield said, “Our newest program starting in 2018 will be KidFit; an exercise program just for children.  They will be engaged in physical activity through fun and interactive games.”

Move-a-thon is timed to bolster morale and one’s will to trade unhealthy habits for healthy ones, and Handfield is well acquainted with the potential for a personal promise to lose momentum.

“Many people make New Year’s resolutions and many of those resolutions are health related.  Therefore, one of the main aims of Move-a-thon was to encourage residents to kick start their New Year’s resolutions.  This is why it is held so early in January.  We believe it’s the perfect time especially since so many of us over indulge during the holidays.  Over the years, Move-a-thonTCI has grown to become one of TCI’s premier sporting events.”

Everyone is welcomed to join Move-a-thon on January 13th, 2018.

Registration opened just before Christmas and is ongoing. Secure the 5k at $20; 10k at $25; Half Marathon at $35 and Marathon at $65.  Contact Tamika Handfield: 649-442-3978 to join Move-a-thon2018.




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