
Blue Hills Robber jailed for Christmas Holidays, arms charges



Providenciales, TCI, November 22, 2016 – Police say the public is their strongest ally and that was again proven earlier this month when someone reported suspicious activity involving two burglars and one of them was caught.  Around 3:36am the report came in on November 12 that a restaurant in the Turtle Cove area was being broken into.

Police got there quickly, gave chase to the two and one of the men was caught with a hand full of food, likely stolen from the unnamed business.  Press Officer, Kevin Clarke said:  “Try as we may, officers cannot be everywhere, but with the help of residents who keep their eyes open for suspicious activity in their neighborhoods, we can respond quickly…” 

Police yesterday also reported that the 34 year old who was arrested after residents foiled his armed robbery attempt is now in prison facing a number of arms charges.  Carrying ammunition, carrying firearm, discharging firearm and robbery were leveled at the suspect who caused the community of Blue Hills to rise up last Monday night when he tried to rob City Market Store, located on Millennium Highway.   No plea was required for the suspect who has a sufficiency hearing in January and is on remand at Her Majesty’s Prison in Grand Turk until then.

The man boldly entered the store and even, allegedly fired off a shot in a move to rob the grocery store – residents stopped him and while police say they do not encourage these actions typically, the residents who did stop and restrain the man until Police arrived on scene were called, ‘brave, offering valuable assistance…’



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