
Hon. Sharlene Cartwright Robinson, HURRICANE MATTHEW



Providenciales, TCI, October 3, 2016 – “Overnight the Turks and Caicos Islands has gone from a Hurricane Watch to a Warning. Matthew is a slow moving, Category 4 Storm accompanied by heavy rains and whilst panic must not be the order of the day, we as a people must take its passage very seriously.”

“This nation has been spared many times over and whilst we continue to pray for mercy, we must prepare for the worse. Those of us who experienced the passage of Hurricane Ike has fresh memories of a storm that left a trail of damage, and we often boast of no loss of life. I encourage us to recall only the need to prepare and not be reckless in trying to predict a similar outcome.”

“I am encouraging all residents to take heed and to prepare by securing your properties and by ensuring that the important items for the emergency pack are in your home.  We have many low lying areas that are prone to flooding in lighter conditions and I am calling on these residents to seek higher ground and not to put their lives at risk or the lives of those who may be placed in difficult circumstances if called upon to rescue them in the event of an emergency during the Storm.”

“I am calling on all employers to be compassionate and allow their employees adequate time to safeguard their homes and properties. I likewise await the Government’s Statement to hear of the timing for closure of Schools and Government offices.”

“I wish to thank DDME for the updates and ask that we heed the call to be vigilant and prepared. The published list of Shelters, I am certain will be announced later today and I encourage you to please locate the one nearest you and if you feel that you have need to take shelter there, please do so before the Storm.”

“We are still our brothers keepers and I trust that we will look out for those families and individuals that are most vulnerable especially our elderly and special needs residents.  Parliamentary colleagues and Pastors, I expect that we all will assist in whatever way that we can.  Let me also use this forum to thank the Government for continuing on the path of tradition and for arranging for the return of children and medical patients from Jamaica.  It is our responsibility to ensure that our people are brought to safety.”

“As a blood donor, I will also like to encourage persons to take a few minutes today and donate blood at one of the Medical facilities.”

“Let us pray for those emergency personnel who will be at work ensuring our safety and for the people of these Islands and all the other Islands who have suffered the wrath or are in path for Matthew.”

“I wish for us a safe passage. May God continue to be with us.”

Hon Sharlene Cartwright Robinson

Leader of the Opposition



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