
Beaches aim to remain a ‘Zika Free’ resort



Providenciales, TCI, August 11, 2016 – Beaches Resort is leading the way in proactive Public Relations as it relates to the Zika Virus.   Zika concern has the power to gravely devastate the local tourism economy, and while the resort property is not pitching a TCI is Zika Free message, it is pitching a Beaches Resort Zika Free message.

All Sandals Resorts are reportedly Zika Free and with the claim comes a three part plan, shared and clearly laying out how Sandals is managing to stay Zika Free.

If you could ask the question, What are you doing to ensure Zika Freeness at your property… Sandals would say:  We have removed all identifiable potential mosquito breeding grounds… we have advanced notice and information being provided to guests via e-mail prior to arrival – no secrets… we are fogging the resort and surrounding areas twice a day… and we are providing free to our guests, insect repellent. There is a CDC Advisory, warning about travel to these islands and cautioning Americans resident in the TCI.

Magnetic Media news reports on the quietness of government related to the Zika Virus and efforts being taken to cope with the global health problem which is spreading throughout countries of the Western Hemisphere, is getting reaction.  Residents express their concern about government handling about information on Zika.  It’s been 17 days since Government has updated on Zika in the TCI.


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